LJ – The Great North American Piece of Crap

From 3/8/2007

If I didn’t need to reiterate the lesson I’ve learned, I’ve just got a $1206.67 lesson just down the pipes. My POS American Car just ate it’s bearings and it’s 4th set of brakes. This piece of shit, built in Lansing, by General Motors is one giant proof-of-concept that American products are for the most part composed of bullshit bolted to sheet-steel and delivered by the slimiest most repugnant humans I know of, Auto Salesmen. Whats worse is that the repugnancy just gets smarmier when you go in for repair. I almost heard the repair reps talons clicking when she told me “Oh yes, you’ll need a boatload of repairs, tee-hee!”

New bearings at 60k, brakes at 15, 30, 45, and 60k… of course the joy to this all is GM claims that “Brakes are wear items and as such are not covered by any warranty”

Buying an American Car is like buying a giant money pit with which one shovels vast amounts of cash into the nethers of giant looming useless companies like Ford, GM, and whatever the third one is.

I’ve learned my lesson. Even if I wanted an American Car, I shall not buy one. Never ever again. The Saturn Aura looked appealing, but it’s GM, and therefore just another shiny turd.

From now on I shall only own a Japanese car, they are far better and I hail the day when GM and Ford, and whatever the third one is goes out of business for good. They deserve nothing more than to go hungry for manufacturing the abominations they sell to unsuspecting people. Is it any surprise why the Japanese and Korean companies are selling hand-over-fist, it’s because the American companies just put out “good enough to sell” while the Japanese put out quality.

This of course is for the most part rhetorical as most people know that American cars are rolling deathtraps built to the standards of play-doh and silly-putty.

I bitch and complain, but after all, I should pay, and pay dearly, for my mistake of owning an American piece of trash.