Barnes & Noble's Nook HD+ Is Clever

Barnes & Noble just sent an email out announcing their two new tablets: The Nook HD and Nook HD+.

Previously to this release I was discussing with my partner, who works for Barnes & Noble ways that B&N could compete with Amazon and Apple in the tablet space. There was a concern that B&N had lost traction and that the company was going to spiral out of control and crash, eventually. These tablets have just eliminated a good portion of that worry.

For full disclosure, I came across a rather pleasant and unexpected windfall in regards to money and I’ve been kvetching about the poor performance of my 1st edition iPad and in a way, Apple has sent a clear message that they regard the device as dead because they are no longer writing software updates for it. I went ahead and purchased an iPad 3 and I’ve been enjoying it quite a lot.

This news from B&N is very interesting to me as this new device has several key areas that put up more bang-for-less-money. The first surprise is the processing speed of the Nook HD+ in comparison with the iPad 3. 1.5GHz dual-core versus 1GHz dual-core. Ever since 2003 when the world pretty much stopped worrying and loved the bomb that is processor speed ratings this distinction isn’t as compelling as it appears on paper. The two units have different core technologies, the iPad has an A5X processor and the Nook HD+ has an OMAP 4470 processor. We have seen from manufacturers like HTC and Samsung that even when you pour huge muscular processors into devices to compete, that if the experience of the user isn’t done correctly then all the computing horsepower in the world means very little. It’s not about the muscles, it’s about the refinement of the motor cortex. It isn’t how strong you are, it’s your dexterity – at least in the phone and tablet space. I do hand it to B&N when it comes to pumping numbers and keeping costs suppressed – that’s a win in their column.

The second surprise, and I’ve been half expecting someone to notice this glaring deficit in tablet OS design comes down to what I believe to be Barnes & Noble’s knife-held-confidently-behind-its-back killer feature. Barnes & Noble is going to bring profile control to the tablet space. This casts a huge pall over both Amazon and Apple devices and redefines a tablet to be a multiuser device. It is exceptionally clever for Barnes & Noble to do this because it draws a clear bead of connection from everyone’s computer experience (where you have an account and profile) off to your device. When it comes to Apple, they rejected this model and regard a device to be a one-person-only deal, which has been a weakness in the iOS OS design. Apple may be too far along to make such a fundamental change to iOS so we may see the creation of a new track of tablet technology. Is a tablet multiuser or single-user? By being multi-user, and if B&N does it elegantly, it can cast B&N in a family friendly light, more than an Amazon or Apple product because one relatively inexpensive device can serve an entire family. Instead of the onerous cost of a Kindle or iPad for each person, because each device is single-user, one Nook HD+ can be used by different members of a family without having to worry about security, privacy, preference or profile leakages between people. It’s a failure of the Apple iOS OS and here is why: When I come across another persons iOS device, I am utterly lost – I don’t know their preferences, their security settings, where they have placed icons, and I find myself having to relegate to the search screen to even find where they put the ubiquitous “Settings” icon. If B&N does profiles elegantly, this will be a non-issue. Rendered moot because each person has their own settings that they are used to, making the confusion evaporate.

I think that B&N will pursue a marketing strategy that elevates the personal touch and the family friendliness of their Nook HD and Nook HD+ devices. That will be key, with profiles, the ability to use LendMe to share books, and their admittedly well-done “Parent recording storybooks for their children” technology they will position themselves to be “The Booksellers who care about you and your family” and they will occupy a third niche in this space. The first niche is the deep-discount one, that’s occupied by Amazon. The second niche is the elegance-at-all-costs one, which is occupied by Apple – and then last but certainly not least, the third niche which is the Friends-Family-Kids one, which is going to be Barnes & Noble Booksellers.

This niche may be the best hope for Barnes & Noble to retain their 21st century relevance.  They should maintain their “Brick and Mortar” presence and cater their stores to being a place where you feel welcome, with friendly staff and a coffeehouse/library atmosphere. The elevator sales-pitch is that B&N is more personable and immediate than Amazon could ever hope of being – you don’t know Jack at Amazon, but you know Jack at B&N. B&N’s approach to kids and family with their very deep roots set throughout America means they have already beat Apple to the market in terms of the personal touch. Yes, Apple has the Genius Bar and yes they are friendly geeks, but you don’t go to a Genius Bar to find out about Apps and Woodworking! You can only do that at a Barnes & Noble!

The real competition isn’t between B&N and Apple anyhow, since Apple touches B&N only in this one market-space. The real competition here is between Amazon and B&N. It’ll be an interesting evolution to say the least – which do people prefer more? The cold, impersonal, sterile deep-discount algorithms of Amazon or the instant-gratification, warm, personal, and direct approach of Barnes & Noble Booksellers? It may simply come down to how people refer to these two competitors. You USE Amazon and you VISIT Barnes & Noble Booksellers. That right there is something that Jeff Bezos can never buy himself into, but B&N already exists to cater to. Which do you value, the impersonal or the personal?

Barnes & Noble Booksellers may have just secured their direct relevancy in the market for the next decade with these two new devices. The proof is in the pudding of course, these devices, once in the stores, will be the final arbiter on the survivability of B&N in the tablet market space.


SupportPress At Work

Several months ago I became aware of certain workplace changes that were going to only be a problem if I chose to ignore them instead of doing something about them. There’s always been a part of my job that I’ve been kind of awkwardly ignoring. I lacked any kind of real instrumentation to one of the major aspects of my job, in fact, it’s the part of my job that I regard as being truly central and my “first hat” and that would be the Advancement Services Help Desk. First and foremost I go to work to help people use technology. That I didn’t have any online structure in which this fit has always bothered me. I always rationalized it as “My shop is too small to need such things.” or “It’s too expensive and I can’t prove that the ROI will justify the price.” but all that changed when given a purpose by a workplace change that was coming, and me discovering SupportPress.

SupportPress itself is a WordPress theme for a installation. We already had a hosting company that we had a great relationship with, [iPage](]. It struck me that while we had a site with the host I certainly wasn’t making the most use out of our investment as I could. After a long while I logged into iPage and noticed their SimpleScripts service off their Control Panel. SimpleScripts is an interface to install very popular LAMP-based scripts that add features to a hosted website. Various scripts include, Drupal, and a gaggle of other ones including some eCommerce scripts that I really couldn’t care more about. is the free-to-use DIY version of WordPress is a wonderful blogging platform and it serves as the bedrock that SupportPress runs on. So setting up the site was exceptionally easy. It was a click and some typing, followed by a few more clicks in SimpleScripts and it was done just like that. A fully featured and functioning blog running on my web host. After that, I looked at SupportPress and discovered that the theme sold for $100. One payment and you get a license to run it on as many blogs as you like. It wasn’t a subscription, just a straight simple sale. After buying the theme from WooThemes I downloaded it in it’s native form, one single ZIP file. I opened up and logged into my blog and navigated to the administration side of the system and right there, as easy as you please is “Install Themes Here” and the preferred option is “Install Theme from ZIP”, which I had exactly! So I uploaded the SupportPress Theme ZIP file to my newly made blog and when I applied the theme and went out to my blog, everything was functioning as promised! Everything! A fully functioning Help Desk Support System was running without any extra tomfoolery. I didn’t need to muck about with source files, fiddle with settings or update anything to get things to work as they should. This software, all of it, from end to end is what writing ELEGANT system code looks like. It works without guff, simply, directly, and elegantly. After that, all I had to do was create user accounts for all my clients, assign a few as “Administrators” like my assistant at work and I was done. I had the entire project from plan to finish in about an hour!

SupportPress has two distinct interfaces. The first interface, the one I use is the “Administration” interface. It very closely resembles the “User” interface but has a lot more options. If I need to perform anything more in-depth I can always call up the administration interface itself (which supersedes the themes administration console, wrapping around it actually) and I’ll show off both interfaces in this blog post. The system is organized on the management of Tickets. A ticket is a self-contained event that requires help from me to my clients. A ticket could be anything from a lost password to a report that a copier is malfunctioning. A ticket in SupportPress has a title, a description, a status, a type, an owner and an assignment. As an administrator I can see every single ticket and manipulate every single ticket. I can change ownership (the client), the assignment (who is to help), the status (which all new tickets start as new), the type which indicates what category the ticket belongs in and I can add comments and attach files, anything that can be done in email, except it’s logged in a database. The best way to describe it is to show it:

SupportPress Administration Screen

SupportPress New Tickets

SupportPress New Ticket

This administration interface is a full-view while the next few screenshots show what the client sees. It is much more direct:

SupportPress User View

The system is a pleasure to use and goes so far as to suggest top-ranked KB articles for clients as well as displaying all the clients tickets and their statuses with two buttons that are clearly marked for starting new tickets. When clients type in a title for a new ticket the system will automatically (while they type!) scan for relevant KB articles and display them. Eventually as the KB becomes more robust users will start to discover fixes in the KB on their own and in some situations actually be able to help themselves. When a user submits a ticket, the administrators get an email notification and the ticket resides in the system as “New” and assigned to “Anybody”. Any of the administrators can log in to the SupportPress system and look at these tickets and assign them either to themselves or other administrators.

When an administrator makes a change to a ticket, that change is sent as an email notice to the client. Everything you do to a ticket ends up being sent in an email every time you submit a change. So if I see a ticket, assign it to myself, set it’s status to “Open” and change it’s type to “question”, for example, the user will get an email showing what category was changed, the old value, and a graphical arrow pointing to the new value. If there is a comment or attached file, the client is sent an email indicating as such with the comment sent along in email so the client can read the update.

Tickets go from New to Open, then either to Waiting or Pending, then to Resolved. Sometimes tickets go into “Researching”, “Recurring”, or “Limbo”. The last status, “Limbo” are for those tickets where the situation is beyond waiting, but we still want it to hang around for some reason.

If all of this wasn’t exactly what I was after, the cherry on top is that this theme comes mobile-ready as well. It renders beautifully on an iPhone and iPad, and technically any mobile device as well but those are the only two devices I have to test the site with. Technically anyone can have an account on the site and anyone can submit tickets. I really like how clients are insulated from each other and only see community information in the KB. For admins, it’s all open and available. I really like how that’s structured.

Sometimes clients ignore that we now have SupportPress and elect to get our attention other ways. If they email us, I simply copy the email into a new SupportPress ticket, and set the owner to the person who sent the email. I love that I can create a new ticket on behalf of a client as if they sent it! Any other method of communication that isn’t SupportPress now gets a ticket for each event. If it’s a knock on our door, a ticket. If it’s a phone call, a ticket. If it’s an iChat, a ticket. Everything I do for a client gets a ticket and that way not only do I instantly document everything but the client can see everything about their tickets in one convenient place anytime they wish. They can go into old tickets and see who responded, when, and what they did about the issue. I’ve also started to use the standard blogging features of the site that still exist. SupportPress shuffles that off to the “Blog” menu item. If ever there is something I wish to record, I just send the SupportPress blog an email with the contents of whatever it is I want to record and it ends up being placed in the Blog section. I like to think of that as my “Captains Log” which lets me write odds and ends about the function of my office in one central place. If ever I need to refer back to it, search on it, or print something off of it, there it is. One handy place.

The hosting was inexpensive, the installation of was free and took about seven minutes. The cost of SupportPress was $100 and took about five minutes to install. It took about thirty minutes to set up all the clients and after that we were on the ground running. So for $100 and less than an hour I went from having no help desk infrastructure to having a damn nice one. Nobody has complained and so I count that as votes of approval. Some of my clients have started to adopt SupportPress directly and others have not. I don’t care since I stop people before they get going when it comes to in-your-face interactions to tell them that I first have to create a ticket for them.

I couldn’t imagine going back to the way things were. This is so much more convenient and safe for me in general. It keeps everyone feeling good, feeling honest, and provides a huge amount of CYA if ever a problem of help desk performance should ever pop up. Each ticket contains date and duration stamps which clearly display how each issue was handled. There is no he-said or she-said, there is only the ticket and what it says. Objective, clear, and rational. Again, I couldn’t imagine running a help desk any other way.

Google Drive Failure

Google Drive is a failure.

Google Drive was released yesterday, and I clicked the button on the website letting Google know I was interested in their product. I received an email late last night informing me that my Google Drive was ready. This morning, on a lark really, I went to the Google Drive website and clicked on the download link for the sync application to add to my work iMac. I downloaded the DMG fie without a problem and opened it up. I copied the Google Drive app to my Applications folder, like you are supposed to with Macintosh, and then I sat back and marveled at it. Google Drive, finally.

I’ve been a loyal Dropbox customer for years and back in January I sprang for the $100 a year expansion of my Dropbox up to 50GB. Everything I use connects to my Dropbox via the Dropbox API and just for the record, I am totally in-love with Dropbox. There is no reason for me to leave them as a customer. But even if you are loyal, it doesn’t mean you can’t explore. I have a professional account with through my work, and we arranged that after was consumed by the wraiths at Facebook. I have a personal account with 50GB but I don’t use it because Box only allows sync with paid accounts, so it’s not worth my while. Google Drive was just along these lines, just another option to look into.

So I started Google Drive on my iMac and I was asked to authenticate, something I expected. Then nothing. I started the app again and nothing. I opened up the Console app and here is what I found:

4/25/12 7:17:44 AM Google Drive[22481] *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2e2ba80 of class OC_PythonString autoreleased with no pool in place – just leaking

4/25/12 7:17:44 AM Google Drive[22481] *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2e37440 of class OC_PythonString autoreleased with no pool in place – just leaking

4/25/12 7:17:44 AM Google Drive[22481] *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2e332f0 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place – just leaking

4/25/12 7:17:44 AM Google Drive[22481] *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2e32600 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place – just leaking

4/25/12 7:17:45 AM [0x0–0x221c21a][22481] 2012–04–25 07:17:45.119 Google Drive Icon Helper[22488:903] Inject result: 0

So, it’s broken. This isn’t the first time a new app was built that failed horribly on my iMac. If anyone cares, and perhaps if anyone from Google is reading, this is a standard 2009–2010 iMac running Mac OSX 10.6.8. The only thing different about this particular Mac is that the account has it’s home on an AFP-connected OD-domain’ed Apple xServer. A network home. This causes headaches for Adobe Acrobat Reader so it’s probably the reason why Google Drive collapses on startup.

Since I can’t run the application, and since it wasn’t designed elegantly to take into account those people who have network-based computers like mine – unlike’s sync app or Dropboxes sync app, I can only state that Google Drive is not ready for prime time. Google Drive is not ready to compete in the marketplace and Google has to go back to the drawing board and try again.