Solving Comic-Con Ticketing Issue (#SDCC)

Today I was all primed and excited that San Diego Comic-Con registration was going to resume today, November 22nd, 2010 after their initial failure earlier. My excitement was derailed when I found myself endlessly trying to reload the registration page so that I could get both Scott and I registered for the event. As I sat thinking about what must be happening in the bowels of Comic-Con an idea struck me square between the eyes.

If the problem is with overloading then the solution is distribution. SDCC already has a good aggregate measure of population densities based on ZIP Codes. Create a flurry of virtual web servers to handle incoming registrations for bands of ZIP Codes, such as 00000-10000, 10001-20000, so on and so forth. Then on the main page have individual links so that we can sort ourselves, thereby spreading the incoming load amongst 10 different servers instead of just hitting one. This is a solution that I think will work and would make everyone happy.

Now if someone at Comic-Con would notice this and see that it might be a solution for them…