We’re from AT&T, We Don’t Know The Word, “Stop”

I wrote this letter as a reply to the fifth or sixth sales representative with AT&T. They are attempting to sell us fiber optic data services. I directed them to our Telecom MSP as a professional courtesy, as I do to all sales folk who directly appeal to us. It’s just good business practice, the MSP exists to handle the complexities of telecommunications for us.


You’ll be the fifth AT&T sales associate that I have written this to, so here goes… Please direct all sales inquiries for the COMPANY domain to MSP. Person 1 and Person 2 have been CC’ed to this email. Please feel free to share this detail with any other AT&T sales associates who might want to contact us, or not, as we are just forwarding all of this to our Tcom MSP. 

We are now considering AT&T to be harassing us, but since your company doesn’t seem to understand cease and desist, we’ll just keep on sending all of you to our MSP. I would ask to be taken off the list and to “Please Stop”, but AT&T isn’t interested in stop. Perhaps AT&T doesn’t have a clear definition of the word stop.

Here… here’s the definition of stop:

stop |stäp| 

verb (stopsstoppingstopped

[ no obj. ] (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen:his laughter stopped as quickly as it had begun | the rain had stopped and the clouds had cleared.

• [ with present participle ] cease to perform a specified action or have a specified experience: she stopped giggling | [ with obj. ] :  he stopped work for tea.

• [ with present participle ] abandon a specified practice or habit: I’ve stopped eating meat.

• stop moving or operating: he stopped to look at the view | my watch has stopped.

• (of a bus or train) call at a designated place to pick up or let off passengers: main-line trains stop at platform 7.

• Brit. informal stay somewhere for a short time: you’ll have to stop the night.

[ with obj. ] cause (an action, process, or event) to come to an end: this harassment has got to be stopped.

• prevent (an action or event) from happening: a security guard was killed trying to stop a raid.

• prevent or dissuade (someone) from continuing in an activity or achieving an aim: a campaign is under way to stop the bombers.

• prevent (someone or something) from performing a specified action or undergoing a specified experience: you can’t stopme fromgetting what I want.

• cause or order to cease moving or operating: he stopped his car by the house |police were given powers to stop and search suspects.

• informal be hit by (a bullet).

• instruct a bank to withhold payment on (a check).

• refuse to supply as usual; withhold or deduct: the union has threatened to stop the supply of minerals.

• Boxing defeat (an opponent) by a knockout: he was stopped in the sixth by Tyson

ORIGIN Old English (for)stoppian‘block up (an aperture)’; related to German stopfen, from late Latin stuppare ‘to stuff.’

Please Stop. 

Please Go Away.

No, We do not want any. Even if we did, we don’t anymore.


We’ll keep getting helpful AT&T sales reps until I create a spam filter for the att.net domain and route everything to the trash, which really, I should do out of professional courtesy to AT&T. If it wasn’t for the fact that they at some point could email me about repairs, that would be something I could seriously consider. Alas, I may have to just start ignoring them with my delete key.

Unless they … stop… HA! HA! HA! They don’t know the word, “Stop.”


Yesterday the light over our sink was out. I noticed that it had a 14-inch bulb and a small fuse-shaped starter part. Not knowing which one was shot I decided to replace them both. So off to Menards to find the replacement parts and get the fix done.

Everything at Menards was fine, to find the products, the location of the bulbs was pretty much where I expected them and the starters come in a two-pack for two dollars, and I just needed one, so now I have a spare. Oh hooray. But after we found the bits we needed, we ran into a cashier, which is a terminal destination if you want to buy something from them as they have no DIY lanes.

There is this arrangement for the cashiers, and it is deeply unsettling. Each lane has a spot to pull a cart into, carved out of the tabletop leading to the cashier, there is no belt delivery to the cashier, but instead it is flipped and serves the cashier to the customer on the other side, post-cashier. Also, the cashiers are facing the same direction as the customers, so that when you approach them, their backs are to you, you pull the cart into the spot, and then you … walk behind and around the cashier to where the point of sale terminal is, at the end of the belt, and you collect your items yourself and bag them yourself. This flips the standard way that customers interact with cashiers, we aren’t apparently supposed to socialize with the cashier? You never really come eye-to-eye with them, at best it’s a kind of ignored side-eye contact if anything and that is all there is to it. Once your purchase is done, you get a defeated “thank you” afterwards from the cashier as you walk away.

Menards has good prices and a good bit of organization in their stores. If you catch them with a mislabeled price tag or a botched price on the shelves, as we have experienced before, they fix the botch and then charge you full price and lie right through their teeth that there was ever any issue with either the product, the label, or the shelf itself. Which is why, if you go to Menards and spot an issue, you snap a photo of it to catch them being clever. So you know, not much love lost already. But then there is this bit here, the checkout. All the Menards share this feature, and I can’t help but read into the design of the checkout lanes and what that means. The design is deeply depersonalizing for the cashiers, and makes being a customer deeply socially upsetting. You don’t meet their eyes, there really is no room for any sort of conversation or even communication. In a lot of ways, it turns a human cashier into a kind of mechanical turk machine. They all might as well be DIY lanes, you aren’t really engaging with the staff, so why is it this way?

The design of the checkouts at Menards leads me to think that this entire design was created by people who are somewhat agoraphobic. They just can’t handle the social interactions and so, they designed the one place where customers and staff interact for sure so that neither party has to look at each other, so there is no social stress at all. But along with that goes their humanity. Why do I care who is standing there, I won’t have anything to do with them, so having a conversation is meaningless, and as such, I won’t even remember what they look like. The only thing I can really remember about any Menards cashier is that they are bipedal. That’s it. Not skin color, not hair style, not their eyes, or how tall they were, or anything, other than they were standing there and humans never come on anything more than two legs, so, that’s it. That’s all there is.

The more I think about Menards the more I am creeped out by them. By their entire company. By their spokesman on TV, who presumably is a Menard, who has that strange way about him, like he is chewing as he talks, even when excited, like he’s got gum, or perhaps tripe stuck in his teeth and he’s talking around it in that manic too-excited-to-be-healthy way. Their cashiers who might be human, but who really cares, huh? To the sneaky and clever staff that float about the store and fix pricing errors and gaslight the customers. They offer low prices, a meaningless and incomprehensible rebate program where you get some odd percentage of your receipts back, if you leave and then come back, presumably with a box full of receipts and park yourself at customer service. I’ve never been clear on why any of that means anything to anybody, keep a paper receipt? Why? Once I am sure whatever I bought won’t explode or fail out-of-box, whats the point of keeping the receipt. Are there people who collect up Menards receipts and then have a day where they waddle up to the customer service desk and… what? Dump them? Fill out a form? I don’t really get how their rebate program is supposed to increase loyalty or boost traffic.

So anyways, there’s a Menards and it’s close to the house, and I suppose that may be the only saving grace for them. They are closer than Lowe’s and more organized than Home Depot. But that’s really all there is. They are sneaky, strange, and odd. In reflection, they are perfect for the places where they have set up shop, one could say they are a reflection of the kind of people who live in this area of the country. Sneaky, Strange, Odd.

New York City Boy


Tonight’s dreams were sponsored by a blend of La La Land, a free ranging musical where strange behavior and boundless physical endurance meet a totally romanticized New York City where there is traffic where traffic is romantic and piers providing perfect picturesque vistas of the cityscape that obviously do not exist. Complete with the background orchestra that provides the structure for the dancing, running, and singing. And nobody is a fat tubby bitch who runs out of gas in the first ten minutes and can’t get past midtown without an oxygen tank and a blintz. Oy Gevalt.

Speed vs. Accuracy

On Friday I ordered four new beard balms. An extra Reuzel 1.3oz tin, a Viking Revolution Citrus, a Viking Revolution Sandalwood, and a Rocky Mountain Barber Cedarwood. I tracked the shipment with Amazon, it was listed as arriving on Monday, prime promised it on Sunday, but hey! It arrived on Sunday after all.

So I opened the box, and out came the Rocky Mountain and the Viking Revolution tins like I expected, but the Reuzel was wrong. Very wrong. What I expected was a 1.3oz tin of their Beard Balm, smallish, with a pirate on the label. If you have seen it, the label is very distinctive. What I got instead was Reuzel Blue Pomade. It’s still top-notch stuff, but pomade, not balm. I have no use for pomade. The canister is factory wrapped, but Amazon doesn’t want it back. I did the return, they declined to ship it back, because it is classified as a personal use product, to just throw it away. I can’t throw a perfectly good, unopened, factory wrapped tin of anything away! Even the sticker on the back is wrong. The scan sticker says Reuzel Beard Balm 1.3oz. and if you look on the label of the actual product, you know something isn’t right, because the product clearly states 4oz tin. It’s HUGE in comparison!

So I reached out to Junior’s Barber Shop. If he has customers who might buy it, I asked him if I could just give it to him. But he’s on vacation until March 20th, so it’ll all have to wait, unless a gentle reader out there in Blog-land has a use for Reuzel Blue Pomade. If so, please let me know! I would hate to have to chuck it in the bin.

Puff Datty


What a windy day today has turned out to be! Took care of cleaning the CX-5, then going to the gym, and then with Scott’s help picking up around the house and running the vacuum. Next, laundry going apace. After that a trip to Menards for a fluorescent light bulb and a starter. It’s a F14T12CW. Yay for codes. And I’ll have the bummy starter on me, so that should be a simple thing to replace. Of course, now that I’m looking for anything, it’s all gone. The entire county. Sold out. Never heard of it. Never stocked it.

I know this game. It’s called “Might as well just fucking buy it on God Damned Amazon.”

But I love disappointment. So, that’ll keep my Sunday busy.

That Is Different


I heard a loud thump outside and I sprang to check the CX-5. Nothing wrong. But then I happened to notice my neighbor with a unique posture. He was between his house and his garbage trundle. Hands down, centered, with the look of bladder relaxation that all men get. And then he shook himself off and got in his car and drove off. His house, he can pee on it if he wants to. I suspect he may not be a family man. LOL.

The Dark Side of USPS Informed Delivery

Early this morning I got my daily alert from the USPS Informed Delivery site. Pictures of incoming mail.

This mornings haul included a letter from Hettinger & Hettinger Law Firm. Seeing this created instant dread. What could it be? It wasn’t a summons or a subpoena, it wasn’t even certified or return receipt requested. But what could it be?

Oh the dread. My mind worked overtime on this. Sure that someone who had a gauzy level of butthurt decided to take me to task for some unknown transgression and hired a lawyer firm to strongarm me into some sort of seedy compliance with some imagined transgression that was best executed in the most passive aggressive way possible. Because why else would lawyers be sending me mail?

What have I done! I couldn’t think of anything but I’m sure there are enemies galore just beyond the extent of the street lamp, angling for their pound of flesh. Something to make this Retrograde in Pisces really hurt. Something from TPTMNBN, I was almost certain of it. Come back from the darkness with one gnarly tentacle shooting out of the inky blackness of their malevolence.

Turns out it was simply an advertisement of the legal services they offer. That’s it.

Why! What do you know! How did you get my address! So, an entire day of worry and panic, expecting every Sherrif’s cruiser to stop, turn on its lights and pursue me. Because Retrograde is built from fuckery and shenanigans.

I can’t take these scares. Law firms sending me mail! It shaves years off my life expectancy just in stress hormones alone!

So the letter sits on my cutting board in the kitchen. I had to walk away from it. I’ve had a whole day to create exciting vistas of suffering and now all of that must be purged. This is going to take a while.

Wax Wings Microbrewery

We stopped in to Wax Wings on this rainy and dreary Saturday evening. The entire bar area is rustic. The classics play on the speakers, they have games available and Farmers benches to sit at if not at the bar itself.

Today they had just “Up In The Early” which is a 10% ABV Stout. It’s chocolate sweetness is a powerful brew in a snifter glass. The barkeeper was really friendly and suggested that as a microbrewery sometimes their supplies and their demand are hard to synchronize. I get that. I love these sorts of places and since Gonzo’s got absorbed by Saugatuck Brewing Company, this may be my destination pub, along with One Well.

Of course, Arcadia is under a murky cloud of mystery with the tax issues they’ve had. I think they are still open, but I don’t know that for sure. I haven’t been back there since their imminent collapse was reported by mLive, our trashy news service in town. They often times overreact and get wrong as much as they get right.

I’m looking forward to going back to Wax Wings when they have more to serve. So far, bravo ladies and gentlemen. You’re doing something right when you have stock contention. At least beer is being used up instead of dumped.

Corned Beef

The search for our St. Patrick’s Day corned beef has run into a snag, then an epiphany, and now, a hairpin loop back to Walmart of all places. A long while ago we loved Sy Ginsburg’s Corned Beef. Can’t find it. Meijers isn’t carrying it. But we did notice Grobbel’s Corned Beef at Walmart. Didn’t realize that E.W. Grobbel bought out Sy two years ago.

So, back to Walmart we go.