C2E2: Movies EVERYONE Disagrees With You On

This movie panel is jammed packed. It’s a Q&A and the fans flocked to the open Mic. Like half the room got up and went to stand in line.

1941, X-Men: The Last Stand, Spiderman 3, La La Land, Thor Ragnarok, Santa Claus : The Movie, Oceans 11, You Dont Mess With The Zohan, Logan, Alien 3, Fantastic Four, Where The Wild Things Are, Greatest Showman, Batman v Superman, Murder Party, Lion King, Up, Hudson Hawk.

Lots of groans, hilarious!

Interludes: Ironic Occupation

The irony of any con as a non-specialized fan is the doubt that you’ll find enough to keep you occupied. The fear that you won’t get your admission value, that in won’t be worth it.

And then it starts and you have that odd twist that you have to sacrifice a panel because you are hungry. I carry several meals with me during the con, and now I’m taking a break to find a table so I can settle down and have lunch.

At least I’m logging serious mileage, cons are good for cardio in that respect.

C2E2: Love In Color / LGBTQ+ Romance in Comics and YA Literature

Next panel, the LGBTQ+ panel. The culture appears to be open and very accepting of any sort of topic exploration, nobody seems to be declining or saying no or setting artificial limits or out-of-bounds work.

People should start writing works that start exploring more about gay life beyond the dramatic parts surrounding coming out. That there is more to tell, more to explore.

Authors respond about teen readers responding to their work, that folks are surprisingly accepting. That the fans are the source of a lot of the pleasure and reasons why some of these authors keep on writing. That the fan responses are treasured. There are other experiences of youth being given the books to read to possibly start a conversation for the kids and their parents. That’s really quite a novel reaction that I wasn’t expecting.

There is a curiosity and almost a pressure to steer away from Romance and towards the more mundane and simpler explorations of relationships without love, sex, or romance. Stories that feature more about friendships and living beyond the, cliche(?) of stories about sex and lust.

This panel is full, which is both surprising and very gratifying. These sorts of panels in the past have not had such populations in a room like this one. It’s nice to see that it filled up enough to earn a “panel full” alert on the con app.

Writing these books not only cement the culture into history and through time, but also raise the opportunity for people to experience the diversity of stories in our world that may not have been available for different groups, about other groups so they can see life from expanded perspectives. These YA books are increasing the exposure and availability of these kinds of new ideas in segments of the population that otherwise would never have access to them, either from the prevailing culture that surrounds them or limits from their circumstances or family.

People who write books should embrace their courage and publish what they want to say. It’s important to not get convinced that your book won’t sell, publish anyways, and the results will likely shock you at how much of a market exists for what you are trying to sell. In ways, you will always miss the shots you don’t take.

Interlude: Social Justice Warriors

The end of the Doctor Who panel had a thick conversational thread strongly tied to classic social justice warrior monologue. I did write about it, but then I self-censored my writing because it is not a topic that is open for discussion. It is violently dangerous and maximally hazardous. Right up there with abortion. It is flight worthy.

So there won’t be a post, or any writing about SJW. There is nothing to say. It is too dangerous, too hazardous for even any commentary. It makes jihad look disneyesque. There is no room in that magic kingdom for anything but blood and bloody ashes.

So, no comment. Nothing. Just stand up and run away. As fast as you can.

C2E2: Sorting Fair Play / Doctor Who & Inclusion

First sit down panel of the day. The inclusion drama surrounding Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor.

Series 11 has been characterized as a great new refreshing experience from the white male dominating position that the series has previously been known for popularly. I would definitely agree that Series 11 has really worked for us. The series is also very episodic, with less season-long meta which is definitely a change of pace.

The Rosa Parks episode seems to have attracted a lot of attention for the panelists. The previous series of the show rarely trotted our storylines that let the fans talk about racism in the framework of Doctor Who.

The definite signal in this panel is that they like the fresh direction of Chibnall, but not Chibnall himself.

And that’s it folks!

C2E2: Lanyards?

Usually there are open containers of programs and lanyards at the con. This year? They were adjacent to registration which I totally skipped. It’s actually too much of a pain to go back across and through security again, which is fine. I’m going to find a vendor selling lanyards instead. Those are always so much better anyways. The con is like juggling jello. You get some things knocked out of the park, and you drop other things. It won’t be perfect. I doubt it could be.

C2E2: Syfy Wire Opening

This is the C2E2 Live Stage. They do a open chat panel about different topics or spotlights on actors or guests to the con. There are a lot of chairs available and a lot of open space in the corner of the hall.

Sitting down and enjoying a little spot of breakfast. Which is mostly snack-based, but healthy snacks. Like roasted almonds, cheese snacks, and purified water.

Giveaway Messaging

The Hyatt could give any newspaper away for free. This is what they chose:

Not the USA Today or the Times or even the Chicago Tribune. No. The Wall Street Urinal.

That’s targeted and meaningful. No. This is Chicago. Not New York. And even still, if it was New York, then it should be the Times anyways! Not this toilet paper rag. Tsk tsk tsk.

C2E2 – Warming Up

I’m going to liveblog throughout the con for as long as WiFi, LTE, and the Good Folk of the Battery Blessing Way are with me.

The hotel, the Hyatt Regency at McCormick is quite good. The bathroom is a little haha and the lack of plugs only demonstrates that they don’t really understand technical people. Also, the power plugs by the bedside are switched with the primary room lights, so, your phone charging and the doofy little alarm clock they give you are functionless if you turn the main lights off by the door. It’s not a feature, its a mistake. But how do you fix it? Rewire the joint. LOL. Nah. It’s not worth it.

Soon we’ll migrate down to the queue lounge and wait in line from 8am to 10am. Then the con starts at 10am, and it’s an instant hustle for some. Some to artists alley, some to exhibitors, some just because it’s the way of the con. I’m going for social support for Scott. Plus it gives me a chance to keep on trying to catch up with my comic reading.