PAD – 3/23/2013 – Local Flavor

Write a piece about a typically “local” experience from where you come from as though it’s an entry in a travel guide.

The first thing that occurred to me, for good or ill is a classic summertime staple in Syracuse, New York where I was born and grew up. It’s something that really only is sold in markets around town and seems to be a quintessentially upstate delicacy and that is the venerable Salt Potato. The potatoes come in a brown paper sack with a plastic baggie full of salt. The recipe is stupid simple, everything goes into a pot with water and boils until the potatoes are done, then they are taken out of the water. As they steam out they get a crust of salt left on them, then you put a little butter in the dish, wait for it to melt and then enjoy.

There are certainly other memorable foods, but this one is the most durable and has the most nostalgia surrounding it. It’s something that Michigan would not understand, right up there with Spiedies, and Heid’s Coneys (nee Hoffman’s actually). Perhaps one of these nights I’ll have to whip up these for old-times sake.

Nook HD: Built for Sluggish Annoyance

47:366(Y2) - HungeringI really would like Apple to come out with a iPad Mini with Retina display. I’m quite tired of this Nook HD. It’s not very user-friendly and definitely not me-friendly. I don’t want to take a hammer to the device but when I use it, I sort of do.

So I was online to a site that lets you browse various fan-written fiction stories and they have a feature where you can download epub files, so I did so and saved it to my Dropbox. Then I went into Dropbox app on my Nook HD and went to go look for it. The Wifi on the Nook HD is a flaky pile of junk so that took way longer than it should have. Once I found the file I wanted I downloaded it to my Nook because the only other way to get it in there is to pop the MicroSD card, root around for a universal adapter and then put it in that way. That’s annoying, I’d much rather just be able to tap and download, like I would with an iPad Mini.

I downloaded it from my Dropbox and it ended up somewhere in my Nook’s own storage, which I hate to use, I much prefer my MicroSD plugged into the Nook instead, but there is no way to tell it where you want it to store the files. So I had to find another app called OpenExplorer which has an awful interface but lets you move files around the Nook.

Then the Nook library was confused about where I put that file. Every time I went to go look for it and tap on what it found, I’d be sent to the Wifi activation screen, where I would turn it on (why?) and then nothing. Nothing more than that. When I went back to the search and tapped on my file, it told me “File is not present.” and that was that.

I’ve never been happy with the Nook HD user interface. I bought it because it was cheap and supported Barnes & Nobles but really I think I would have been better off getting an iPad Mini. I regret this Nook HD. It could be so much better if only the B&N User Interface wasn’t so fascist. That’s what it really is. B&N doesn’t trust anyone with anything so they make it impossible to use beyond the B&N Book Experience. I don’t want all my ebooks at B&N, I’ve got thousands of ePub files all on my own – could I upload them and locker them at B&N? Of course not. That’s what the MicroSD card is for. So what value does the B&N store have for me? Little.

So is there any way I could get ePubs from Project Guternberg? Nope. I have to find some other way to get them, like on my iPad and then use Dropbox and OpenExplorer to… it’s way too much work. I’m tired even thinking about it.

So, if and when Apple decides to sell a iPad Mini Retina I’ll put all my Nook stuff on eBay and save up for the iPad Mini Retina. At least iOS respects me and I don’t feel like a criminal trying to cajole Android to give an inch.

I still don’t know why people think Android is any good. Wretched system.

photo by: Nomadic Lass

e-Cycle and Gas Station Sushi

Used 1985 Cadillac EldoradoI sent three old iPhone 4’s to e-Cycle for recycling, they had a relatively good buy-back rate for the old devices. Of the three that I sent, only one was accepted. The other two were shredded and I got nothing for them, other than the vague satisfaction that the hazardous materials in them were recycled, probably.

I can’t really blame the company, it’s all there in black and white. Don’t send phones with active lines on them. Oops, that was my fault, but after hearing that they had this problem I thought I could just go into Verizon’s site and mark the lines as suspended. That didn’t do the trick. So the phones were summarily destroyed and recycled. I think that’s the part I don’t get, the rush to obliteration. Then again, I do get it, it’s a company trying to maximize all their angles and this is a rather convenient angle. It strikes me that they could have simply shipped the phones back to me or perhaps told me that my attempt at suspend didn’t work. Instead, they took the silent and cheap way out – shred the phones and mark the Unit Price as $0.00.

So, do I do business with e-Cycle in the future? I don’t know. I have learned my lesson at least, a phone you haven’t used in six months may still have a line on it. I don’t think I’ll be doing any further business with e-Cycle. It’s not because of anything overtly naughty, but just the sense that they didn’t care to even get back to me after I tried to disconnect the lines – that haste to simply shred and zero-balance fills me with doubt as to whether I got a fair shake on that deal, or not. I’m thinking not. While it wasn’t against any of the fine print, it did leave a rather bitter taste in my mouth, and I did learn a lot dealing with them, so perhaps in the end, it was good for everyone. I got a lesson, they lost a customer, and I’m wiser next time.

Now, to see if e-Cycle has any competitors.

UPDATE: They do have competitors, so at least there is a wide field available. Also turns out that the reports of the devices shredding were perhaps premature. They were found in a box, waiting for Verizon to disconnect them, since I sent that little nugget to Verizon today, it may take a bit for those devices to register as disconnected. I’ll update more as events unfold.

Double Tap Moriarty, Sherlock!

The problem with being a fan is that the shows we enjoy sometimes accidentally engage in a limited kind of inter-textual cross-pollination. In the latest episode of Sherlock, we see Moriarty shoot himself. This supposedly takes Moriarty off the chess board.

We know from Zombieland and to a lesser extent Supernatural that the big bad is never really off the chess board until you decapitate the body (double-tap), bury the bones, salt them, and set them on fire. Then bury the remains and bless it with an uncorrupt religious figure.

I posit that both Sherlock and Moriarty survived Richenbach Falls. All we saw was some blood leaking out of Moriarty. Not extensive cranial destruction a shot to the head would entail, so it was theater. It looked like he shot himself, but after Sherlock performed his whammy I bet Moriarty got up, dusted off his pants and made his way out being the ultimate expression of his character. A dead mastermind. This has got to be how it is, otherwise it would pooh pooh the power of deductive reasoning that Sherlock is rooted in!

Characters, especially leads never die. Except in King Lear. Then they die a lot. Lovely death, there. 🙂

I love Sherlock more than salt.

PAD 3/24/2013 – Competition

What activity, task, or game most brings out your competitive streak?

I’ve never been very competitive. I have been related things before however. I’ve been impatient, I’ve been disappointed, but mostly it’s because I don’t measure personal success just for myself, but rather did I help anything greater than myself improve? That’s what I’m most proud of, not the little personal wins, but the huge towering wins that an entire band of people can claim working together. I rarely have these feelings mind you, so infrequent I do treasure them when they come.

Mostly I don’t follow sports or engage much in game play. The only guilty pleasure I have is Letterpress, but even in that game I’m not lusting after winning, or even smurfing my opponents. I’m much more apt to enjoy a long game where people leave the obviously difficult-to-play character alone, say a lonely Q, Z, or X and spend the rest of the time trying to assemble words to move the game along. In many ways, the way I play a game is a lot like that saying you’ve heard about enjoying the journey more than the destination when you are going someplace new. The destination is rarely as rah-rah as the journey it took to get there. Unless you’re speaking about Paris, in that case, it’s the opposite.

I try not to play with overly competitive people because if I win, they lose poorly and if I lose, they gloat. They are usually poor losers and poor winners. The best response to winning a game is to offer the loser to play again. The best response to losing a game is to offer the winner to play again. Again it’s not about the number of right or wrong, win or lose, but in how much fun you had. Life is a lot like Who’s Line, the games are made up and the points don’t matter.

PAD 3/20/2013 – INTJ

Do parties and crowds fill you with energy, or send you scurrying for peace and quiet?

I quite enjoy throwing parties and attending them, however it has a limit. There is only so much socialization I can do before it starts to really wear me down. I need a balance, much like the tides are balanced, so if I spend too much time traveling and feeling disconnected I balance that out with staying at home and reading, for example. I couldn’t put on the mantle of the high-pressure socializer for very long before I would devolve into a grumpy, grunting misanthrope. For all the wonders that are other people, hell is other people as well. Take everything in measure, including them. It’s the times when you don’t have to deal with other people that gives you the recharged batteries to put up with other people when you must. The balance must always be maintained.

SmashBurger Bigotry

Back in 2010 there was a new hamburger shop opening up to much fanfare. The place was called SmashBurger and I wrote a review of the establishment. I didn’t like their food and now I have reason to not like them for anything else. According to this article the owners of our local SmashBurger are homophobic bigots.

So, wretched food and hate?! Golly, missing that will be a joy! If you like this place, I seriously ask you to think about where you buy things, and who you support with your money. Culvers is just a few miles down the road, you can get better food, cheaper, without the hate.

WordPress Jetpack 2.2.1 Success

SparklerAt least JetPack for WordPress 2.2.1 upgraded without any fanfare. Everything still works too! For the blogs that I manage that had it, it’s updated. Wheee!

P.S. If anyone would like their own blog on our domain just let me know. I can set it up for you lickety-split and even manage it for you if you like. For free. Yes-suh. 🙂

photo by: letavua

The Troll Takes The Toll

I’ve held true to the concept that all outsider groups need to pay an admission in order to enter mainstream society. Germans, Japanese, the worthless Irish… They all needed to pay to play. From “No *** need apply” to forced internment camps all the way to dying of malaria while building a canal. Each group gets the short end of the pointy stick before they are admitted. A group that doesn’t pay never really earns it. Sometimes the payment is made in lives, sometimes it’s violent and is paid with blood, but always it is paid.

What about gay equality? Not just marriage, but that is a part of it. All are equal under the law. At least that’s the goal. But what I want to know is what is the price for this goal? I mean, did we bleed enough in the Halocaust (gays got it just like the Jews), how about the Stonewall Riots? We have adorable parades where we dress up and entertain everybody with our harmless antics, but is that payment enough? How much to be taken seriously. How much is that respect, in the window, the one with the consequential tail?

Perhaps this is the first time when we can pay using a more refined and evolved currency. Not being segregated, special bus seats, separate but equal *amenities*… Something classier, more stylish, more bitchy? Here’s a capital idea, come out of the closet. Announce your true self to everyone and damn the torpedoes of bigotry and ignorance, full speed ahead! If everyone came out who was gay, gay wouldn’t be so much of a big deal. Perhaps we could be as plain and uninteresting as to lose the word gay altogether and we can hand it back to Christmas where it belongs. There is nothing special about us, were plain folk who do plain things. We’re just picky about dangly bits.

These red equality symbols have a great meaning and I’m plugging in more meaning than probably was intended, so, deal with it. The extended meaning is this, once you pull the skin off anyone, no matter if they are a man, a woman, an Asian, a black, or a gay man or lesbian you have the exact same thing each and every time. A bloody screaming mess that looks indistinguishable from any other bloody screaming mess. Deep down, skinless, aren’t we all the same? Aren’t we all bloody screaming messes? So with that inspiration, what is different about getting any service rendered that other people can take advantage of? Think of it this way, with our skins on we don’t make such a mess, we don’t scream in agony, and we’re just like everyone else. Its better if you just let us lead our lives — skin-on.

This comparison is at the heart of the sadness and ineffable ignorance that is bigotry. Why does it bother bigots so much? It bothers bigots because they are in a fight-to-the-death battle with their mirrors. What is gay marriage to you? Why is it so important that we have to fight over it, that we have to have the highest court in the land decide on it? Look in the mirror and see your enemy. That which you hate you see when you look in the mirror. Once the bigots understand their fight is with a mirror, everything else becomes thoughtlessly simple, obvious in fact. Embarrassingly so.

Rather Than Fix The CFAA, House Judiciary Committee Planning To Make It Worse… Way Worse | Techdirt

Rather Than Fix The CFAA, House Judiciary Committee Planning To Make It Worse… Way Worse | Techdirt.

This is wretched and wrong. The TL;DR here is that there is a law already on the books called the Computer Fraud And Abuse Act and this bill is seeking to amend the law on the books and take it in very wrong and upsetting new directions. One of the biggest things that I spotted on that really has me upset is the redefinition of talking about an offense as equal to actually completing that offense. If you say you are going to do something that breaks this law, save your bus fare, you’re already guilty of committing the crime! The other part is even more insidious and that is even if you are given authorization to access a machine, if you use it for a different purpose, then the authorization is void and you are committing a crime.

This makes my work more complicated. Now I have to be careful about what I say, as this bill, if passed would curtail my first amendment rights to free speech and then that second bit would legally prevent me from noticing anything else wrong with a computer if I was just fixing something adjacent or unrelated to the original problem.

What a mess. Encourage your congress-critter to vote no on this bill!