Geek Excursions: BitMessage

Along with my curiosity surrounding Bitcoin, there is a similar technology that has been released for public use called BitMessage. This system is a really neat way to securely communicate in a secure method that involves absolutely no trust whatsoever. It’s a completely decentralized email infrastructure and has captured a lot of my spare attention. BitMessage works a lot like how Bitcoin does, you can create email addresses on the fly, they are a long sequence of random characters that your system can display because you have both a public key and a private key. In a lot of ways BitMessage deals with the biggest problem surrounding PGP/GPG, which is key management. Nobody really wants to manage keys or use the system because it’s extra work. Plus even with PGP/GPG, your identity is written on your keys for everyone to see.

Getting started with BitMessage is a snap. First you need to download the BitMessage client, and you can get that at There’s a Windows and Mac client available, you can start it and be instantly attached to the BitMessage network, ready to create new “BitMessage Addresses” and throw them away just as easily. So, for example, you could reach me by sending me a BitMessage to this address: BM-2cWAk99gBxdAQAKYQGC5Gbskon21GdT29X. When you send a message using BitMessage, its to this address and from an address that your client makes, so the conversation occurs securely and since every node has a copy of the data it’s impossible to tell who is getting what information. I think an even more secure method would be to cross BitMessage with a PGP/GPG key. The only problem with a key like that is that classically PGP/GPG keys require that you include your email address as a subkey so that you can be identified by a human-readable email address when looking for your public key or when someone else is looking for it, to verify a signature for example. The PGP/GPG system doesn’t require an email address, you can of course create a public and private keypair using PGP/GPG and make the email address up from whole cloth, and instead just let people know the key ID that you want them to use. So technically if Alice wanted to secretly communicate with me, we could give each other our public keys to start and then use BitMessage as the messaging mule. I don’t see how any eavesdropper could make sense out of any of that data flow. It’s unclear what the contents are, the PGP/GPG encryption keeps the contents of the message secure, and BitMessage itself seriously obfuscates if not outright eliminates being able to tell where the messages are ultimately going to or coming from.

I have to admit that BitMessage is very user friendly and very handy to have. My only issue with it is that I don’t know anyone who uses it, but perhaps this blog post will change that. If you are interested in this bleeding-edge crypto/privacy software, I encourage you to chat me up on BitMessage for serious matters or for fun.

Geek Excursion: Cryptocurrencies

I’ve been thinking on and off about Bitcoin ever since it was written years ago. Right around the end of last month, in December I thought I would look into it again. Turns out the environment has grown considerably since the last time I looked at it, by leaps and bounds! I figured now would be a great time to dip my big toe into the stream, so I found an online exchange and pursued Bitcoin with them. This exchange was ExpressCoin and the purchase deal was mailing them a US Postal Money order, they’d cash it and then send me the Bitcoin equivalent. Since this was a conversion from Fiat money (in this case United States Dollars) to Bitcoin, the exchange rate was around $330 per Bitcoin. The $10 investment gave me 0.03120712 Bitcoin.

Right after that I started lurking on the Bitcoin subreddit on Reddit and discovered two other currencies, Litecoin and Dogecoin. Then just after that I discovered the Cryptocurrency Faucet websites, places where they hand out free money for proving that you’re human with a captcha, and the off chance that exposing you to advertising will pay for the money flowing out of the faucet.

I still think a great part of all these cryptocurrencies is still quite firmly fixed in the hobbyist framework, the enthusiasts are on the “bright” side of the currency and the speculators are on the “dark” side of the currency. All of these currencies that I’ve engaged with display pretty wild volatility in comparison with any linked Fiat. My buy-in rate was around $330 per Bitcoin, and now weeks later, that’s at $218.87 per Bitcoin. There seems to be two camps developing, the first camp is quite keen on ignoring the Fiat exchange rate and trying to ignite their currencies inside themselves. One of the most positive and tightly knit communities surrounds the Dogecoin. Seeing how the Dogecoin enthusiasts communicate and cope with their currencies volatility is a lesson in lighthearted, altruistic generosity. People who hold Doge appear to be very ready to donate it to other people as encouragement, sympathy, or even on a lark. As you go from Doge to Litecoin to Bitcoin you see a lot less of the pleasantries and a lot more of the cold hard business of currency work and trading.

I think one of the most fascinating parts of these new currencies is how everything is starting from the very beginning – including questions of trust and honor. Because all of these coins are decentralized and unregulated there is no capacity for a “chargeback” mechanism, and when this runs up against mechanisms in other currencies, like the Fiat, where there are “chargeback” mechanisms in place, you run the risk of being seriously defrauded. I completely understand the fear and the very careful progress that these cryptocurrency traders make, but it does speak volumes about just how awful and corrupt some people are. We don’t assume people are trustworthy and honorable, so we need many complicated structures in place to cope with the unknowns. This gap in honor is, I feel, a huge part of what these currencies should work on next. How do you measure honor? How do you establish trustworthiness? I got to thinking about it, and every time I think I have a solution I run into an edge case that blows my concept out of the waters. The only thing that I think might work is arranging honor and trustworthiness in a way similar to the “Web of Trust” that PGP and GPG cryptographic systems rely on to establish trust. PGP/GPG never really took off for mass adoption and that’s always been a very sad thing for me, but I really like the “Web of Trust” idea that they pioneered. That people can trust others when there is reputation on the line, backed by money perhaps, there would need to be some sort of contingency addressing on the line as well. So if Bob wants to establish his trustworthiness and his honor he puts his money on the line for it. But the problem with this is that someone who is not honorable could just come along and lie about Bob and take his money, sending you right back to the start again. It’s fascinating, that Bitcoin decentralized money, but we need to figure out how to decentralize trust as well.

The US Government has done its due diligence in preventing egregious misuse of the Bitcoin currency to be used for illegal purposes by attempting to regulate how centralized exchanges transfer Fiat into the cryptocurrencies. It seems that Bitcoin and all the others are very elegantly designed in so far that despite all these regulations there is a community of individuals willing to operate as nano-exchanges that help bring everything back to its decentralized and unregulated roots. Half of the fun of playing with cryptocurrencies is being at ground zero for all these fascinating developments and arguments and seeing how something so new develops and unfolds.

So far I’ve got some small parts of a Bitcoin, some small parts of a Litecoin, and gobs of Dogecoin. For myself, I am very interested in figuring out ways to secure the relationships between traders, working on terms of honor, trust, and faith. If anyone has ideas that they would like to share, please leave them in the comments below. I would really love a nice conversation about securing honor, trust, and faith between traders.

OS Tryouts 3: ElementaryOS

The start of ElementaryOS is quite like Linux Mint 17, as they are both based on Ubuntu Linux. One notable difference is that Elementary prompts you by default to choose whether you wish to use the LiveCD system or install it on a computer, whereas Linux Mint 17 simply brings you right into the LiveCD system and provides you a link to install it on your computer, as a shortcut on the Desktop of the LiveCD system.

ElementaryOS requires less space, by about half than Linux Mint 17 does. That’s remarkable but not really a stumbling block since most modern computers all have more than 10GB of primary storage just to start. The installation was really quiet and direct, a pleasant change from PC-BSD for sure. Updates were slipstreamed into the installation routine so there shouldn’t be any need for them once the system is up and running.

The primary login screen is remarkably beautiful. The graphical login has my full name with a place for my password and a Login button, and to the right of that is todays date and time styled in a very appealing way. There also appears to be a “Guest Session” which I will have to investigate, as Linux Mint 17 didn’t include that. Looking around the basic OS I am pleased to see many “Look and Feel” similarities to my beloved Mac OSX. After starting the software update app I expected all the apps to be updated however that wasn’t to be, there are 347 updates pending – so that’s the first thing that needs to happen. Since I have the updater open, clicking on “Install Updates” should get that ball rolling. True to form, the updater is quietly processing it’s duties without user intervention beyond the authentication for elevated privileges that all updaters require in Linuxland. One really neat thing to note in this review is that the devs for ElementaryOS wrote a kernel extension driver for VirtualBox all by themselves. The activation was very straightforward, that’s very impressive. Almost all other OSes force you to install the VBox addins from VBox itself.

The installation of optional software is easily found through the Software Center, it’s icon is a big friendly downward pointing arrow. Many of the apps I would figure would be installed by default, like Firefox and Thunderbird and LibreOffice are not, but they are available. That’s perfectly fine. Having a lot of apps delivered by default only adds to the size of the installation media and can complicate the installation routine if one of those other projects doesn’t behave properly upon installation.

It’s really a toss-up so far between Linux Mint 17 and ElementaryOS. My bias for the Mac OSX interface pushes me ever so slightly over into Elementary territory personally because it isn’t hamstrung by an impossible to eliminate Gnome prime panel that you just can’t get rid of, Elementary comes with a Dock by default. The only irk that gets me about Elementary is that the Dock has no mouse-sensitive effects, but that’s the weakest of quibbles. So far for machines that we’ll end up surplussing, Linux Mint 17 wins for work, but if I were to buy one of the surplussed machines I’d go for Elementary OS instead. It’s mostly just a matter of taste. I could just as easily live with Linux Mint 17.

OS Tryouts 2: Linux Mint 17

As part of my brief tour through some alternative operating systems I uncorked and tried out Linux Mint 17. So far for all the different systems I’ve tried, this was the most pleasant and simple installations that I’ve had so far. The system boots up into a Live CD environment, letting you try before you buy. I also found the lack of “Scary Text” during the system startup to be a very nice touch. When the OS gets started it works well out of the box. X Windows with the window manager works as it should, without any misgivings. The updater worked well from the first pass and only required one pass to get all the updates that the system needed. The application suites provided worked really well, LibreOffice, a host of web browser choices, but the only thing that was missing was a Calendar application. I thought about iCal and how well that works with Exchange, and wondered if there was an app in the Linux space that could do something similar. My admittedly cursory search didn’t yield any results. Arguably it is a non-issue as the entire Exchange experience for me can be done on the web, so pffft.

There really wasn’t much to write about Linux Mint 17. The OS got a green star on my selection board and led to the disposal of PC-BSD. Next up are Elementary OS and CentOS. I suspect that the last one will be a boondoggle, but only time will tell.

Throwback Thursday

Since I’ve been journaling so very much I’ve got a lot of memories stored up in my Journal. Here’s a slice of my life for the past September 25th’s:

2003 – Refilled toner cartridges are all the rage, and I put a kibosh on them because they are a terrible idea. Working on other peoples computers proves to be a gory biological hazard at every turn. Grand Theft Auto 3 makes kids kill. Moonies make a surprise return and surprise everyone with their bigotry. Congress did something! They passed the FTC Do Not Call List.

2006 – Jerry Falwell referred to Hilary Clinton as worse than Lucifer. Tee Hee!

2007 – I got my first iPod Touch. What a long wonderful journey it has been with Apple, man, the memories. 🙂

2008 – I was enjoying a good ten-minutes hate on Microsoft and Java. At work I started interviewing S3’s.

2009 – I was drinking quite heavily to cope with my awful days. was still around, and OIT was making it difficult to use, what a shocker. I started thinking about drugs like Xanax to help me cope with my difficult days. Work issues abound, failures left and right. Some sort of Jazz Ensemble at a local eatery tortured out some music.

2010 – Legend of the Guardians in the movies, enjoyed it quite a lot. Lots of noisy twitter noise.

2011 – SyFy asked what shows we liked, all the ones they cancelled. LOL.

2012 – Resistance using the Help Desk Ticketing System shows up. Search for S3 internally falls flat on it’s face, not really surprised. Love for Waze, enjoying social navigation. Closet hanger in Hobbiton failed, I fixed it, after a while of battling with it.

Koval Single Barrel Oat Whiskey

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Daily Prompt: Singing in the Rain

Safe inside, toasty warm, while water pitter-patters on the roof… describe your perfect, rainy afternoon.

It’s a split between the slow romance of a rainy afternoon or the quiet snuggliness of a blizzard. Either event always carries within it the possibility of power outage and since the last great outage I’ve found myself both challenged and strangely engaged. Without technology, without all of the noise I found it much easier to live and carry on. The nighttime is pitch, refrigeration is a commodity and cooking becomes more challenging with the loss of an oven, but being cut off from the trappings of technology let you get back to what really matters.

I’ve for the longest time felt that technology has shrunk the world and made everything knowable. Even the things that should always remain hidden and unknown. Some people share too much, and we’ve devolved into fetishizing worry and concern over things that we have no ability to affect. Ever since I killed my television, effectively walking away from broadcast TV and all the awfulness that comes with it I’ve found my life in flux, rebalancing and having more access to happiness as a result. The mood of a rainstorm or a blizzard is a perfect setting for considering where I am in life, it’s the perfect moment for introspection and reflection. It doesn’t escape me that both of these conditions glorify the home, things that surround the home are always going to make me happier.

When the power fails, when technology recedes you find yourself sitting alone with your thoughts, if you are with other people you start to struggle for activities to occupy your time. Telling stories, talking, reading books, playing games – the things we all did before all this technology came and made everything “better” are sometimes the very things that we need to get back to. I have always carried a special reverence for old things, older technology that has been supplanted by newer technology. Just because something is new doesn’t mean it’s better. My analog wristwatch and my fountain pen are personal testaments to that very thing. The rain and the snow lend encouragement to the things in our lives that none of us should stray very far away from. I’ve found myself actually fantasizing about turning off the house power to have new oases of freedom from electricity and the trappings of technology. It’s not actually practical as turning off the house mains would shut down my refrigerator and that would make living significantly more difficult and increase misery if I lost all that safety in the box-that-stays-cold.

I think more people should at least play pretend that the power has gone out. Try to reconnect to each other without technology, without social networking and all these little gadgets that have filled up our lives. Break out the lanterns and play card games, play board games, talk, tell stories, relate to one another again without all the structure that we’ve surrounded ourselves with. The irony isn’t lost on me, that I am advocating breaks from technology while typing on the very pinnacle of such technology and eventually posting it into the very thing I rail against. I think it comes to a sense of balance. Not being completely embedded, obsessed, and reliant on technology on one hand and not being a Luddite in the other. There’s a time and place for both and keeping both alive in your life feels important somehow. Electricity isn’t like sunshine, it isn’t guaranteed. It’s important to figure out life without electricity and to be prepared. This balance and respect for older things makes a lot of sense to me.

It’s far afield from where this daily post started – a description of a rainy day and how it makes you feel turning into a pleading that you can see better represented in Koyaanisqatsi. Funny what a little rain will bring.

Mac Mail Scripting: Send Message to Evernote

I’ve been trying to replicate the “Send to Evernote” button that gets installed with Microsoft Outlook 2013 at my work to also be an option for my Mac Mail app. My first stab was to see if there was some sort of toolbar button I could use, nope. Evernote hasn’t gotten that far yet.

I looked around Automator, hoping, and saw nothing for Evernote in Automator. So then I thought I would turn to AppleScript. I opened up the AppleScript editor, then opened up the AppleScript Dictionaries for and Through a series of web searches I figured out two main things:

1) How to extract the sender, subject, and content of an email in AppleScript
2) How to create a new Evernote Note with the details gained from Step 1

So, here’s how I did it:

Open up AppleScript Editor and copy this code into it:

tell application "Mail"
set theSelection to selection
set theMessage to item 1 of theSelection
set theText to content of theMessage
set theSubject to sender of theMessage & " : " & subject of theMessage
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
create note with text theText title theSubject tags "mail"
end tell
delete theMessage
end tell

Then you need to do some clever things in AppleScript Editor to get this all to work properly:

1) In AppleScript Editor, open Properties.
2) Put a checkmark in “Show Script menu in menu bar”
3) Close the Properties dialog box
4) Save your AppleScript to your Desktop called “Send Email to Evernote.scpt” and save it.

Now you have to install your script:

1) Open a finder window, arrange it so that you can see the finder window comfortably and also see your script on your Desktop.
2) Navigate to your Macintosh HD, then Library, then Scripts, then Mail Scripts.
3) Click and drag the “Send Email to Evernote.scpt” into the Mail Scripts finder window. Your Mac will stop you, ask you to Authenticate, so do that. The file should copy into this folder.

Now when you go back to Mac Mail, you’ll notice a little script icon in the menubar. Click on the Script menu bar item, then click on “Mail Scripts” and then click on Send Email to Evernote. Your Mail message will disappear. The message has gone to the Trash, and the text of it is now in your default folder in Evernote, with the senders name, a space, a colon, a space, and the subject of the message as the title of the note, with the contents of the note set to be the contents of your note itself.

That was enough for me. Please note, this script creates notes and deletes mail. There are no guarantees that this script will work for you. I don’t really support it as I barely understand AppleScript as it is. It works with just one message at a time and it’ll probably butcher attachments and I have no idea what HTML messages will do if subjected to this sort of treatment. An epic-level “Your Mileage May Vary”, so you know, be careful.

When The Lights Went Out

Lightning_03Yesterday was one hell of a powerful storm. The wind was magnificent and the storm itself was chugging along at a heady clip, around 55 miles per hour by the reports from the weather service. The tree in front of my residence is a red oak, and I’ve always known that red oaks have a reputation for shedding lots of branches and it did not disappoint! We lost about 10% of the canopy in front of my house including one big branch that dug a foot long gouge out of the turf in the grass between my house and my next door neighbors. I pushed the torn sod back into place and stomped it flat with my shoes, so that’s fine, but the front of my house looks a little like a war zone where the trees and the wind went to battle.

My next door neighbor, across the street lost a giant part of her tree and it took out her power and cut mine as well. Thankfully her house didn’t suffer any structural damage, just a big bit of tree where it doesn’t belong. I had a time warning neighbor kids away from the area since it was a downed power line. Nobody approaches downed power lines, even if the power is out. Much like a toaster, a downed power line remembers and seeks bloody revenge, you don’t handle the line as much as you don’t rescue the piece of toast in the toaster with a fork. When my across-the-street neighbor returned I let her know that I contacted Consumers Energy and let them know about the downed line and the damage.

Losing electricity has returned our lives to simpler more fundamental conditions. When the sun is up, daylight makes living easy. The water pressure and water quality are unchanged, so the sinks, toilets, and showers all work properly – except that the hot water tank has an electric heat control, so whatever hot water comes out of the tank will be all there is for a few days. Much of the technology in our lives no longer works. The network connection is of course dead, along with the entertainment center. We don’t have TV per se, but the general entertainment for that part of our lives is no longer possible while electricity no longer flows. Life goes on, and without technology it can continue to go on quite well. It’s important to establish a solid thread running into the past, I’ve always been fond of old technology, especially things that do not require electricity. So we have a lot of battery-powered devices and wind-up clocks and automatic watches to keep the time. Our refrigerator is very slowly reaching the same temperature as the surrounding environment that it’s in and that’s unavoidable. We’ve transferred much of the expensive food out and into the freezers where Scott works. The rest of the contents of the refrigerator are not exactly perishable, things like OJ and mustard I doubt will suffer very much even if they are warm. We’ll lose other bits in there but that’s life. Cooking has become slightly different, as I have a gas range the cooktop is perfectly serviceable with a handy source of ignition but the oven, which requires electronic temperature control doesn’t work. I can cook around that limitation, however the inability to refrigerate means that making anything that we can’t eat in a single sitting is probably a bad idea.

Living this way, without electricity, even temporarily is healthy I think. It reminds us just how reliant we are on the fundamental utility of electrical delivery and distribution. Candles provide light at night, however they are open sources of ignition and are potentially disastrously hazardous, especially with a cat who has no fear of fire because he’s never actually come into contact with it in his life. From what I can see, he lacks even an instinctual aversion to it, which we have to manage. On my list of things to acquire is an LED lantern, something that can last a good long time, puts out a disturbing amount of light, and won’t set a curious feline on fire. Entertainment has changed, it’s different but still equivalent to what our usual fare is during evening hours. Instead of TV programs, network entertainment streams, or movies, we’ve swapped all that out for card games, board games, talking and reading books. Again, retaining that thread that runs into the past is essential. The smart money is on technology that does not require electricity. I’m amused quite deeply that here, steampunk pops up as a relevancy. If everything in your life that used to be automatic is now clockwork powered, you still have a semblance of convenience however the source of power is yours truly. For my watch it’s just movement that winds it, for my emergency flashlight it’s ten minutes of vigorous shaking, but I will need to find some way to provide a pool of safe illumination at night and early in the morning and perhaps some way to charge all my connected devices by human power.

Earlier this morning, when I was taking a “Marine Corps Shower” which is to say, the fastest most efficient and bracing method to clean oneself, I thought of a possible way with a carefully geared pedal generator that one or two people could operate that would be able to collect enough energy from pedaling to keep a refrigerator running, at least give it a boost so it could chill down for a cycle. I’m sure if I’ve thought of it, a product exists somewhere out there that can do just what I’m thinking. It’s definitely a first-world problem that only occurs to you when you don’t have the convenience of electricity at your beck and call. That we rarely think of life without electricity, we really ought to. Take a weekend and turn off the house mains (except for the fridge,  you want to simulate a disaster, not initiate one) and then look at life without. What needs to be available to make life possible? A box of candles, perhaps. A LED floodlight with a deep-cycle battery? Much better! Events like these, where you are thrown backwards test your ability to cope and your cleverness.

They say that our electrical power delivery will be returned this Monday around 11:30pm. That being said, they are saying that to everyone, so we are hoping that this is an engineers estimate and that our power will be back on sooner than this. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Now I need a way to charge my phone by hand. Funny, your priorities…

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