The Realms Of A Lightworker

Many years ago, when I was twenty years old I experienced a massive and radical awakening through what I later discovered was a Kundalini experience. What I never realized was what this single experience did for me, for the rest of my life. In the intervening years, into my mid-forties, I explored everything. I resolved, in a poetic way, that the unexamined life wasn’t worth living, so I explored as much as I could. I intentionally opened myself up to everything that would come to me, and that’s when the synchronicities began.

At first, they were curiosities, coincidences and happy accidents. I was beset by strange memorable dreams, deja vu, and a whole host of little oddities that I could comfortably ignore. My explorations included a bunch of discoveries, and realizations that not everyone starts their life like I did mine. From eight years old, I knew what my life purpose was, I wrote it out, and I never revised it since, and it’s been with me for forty years of living and I have no reason to change it now. At twelve years of age, I lost what little drabs of organized religion were impressed upon me by everyone else, and I lost it in the most amusing of places, the Church Library at the First Presbyterian Church in Ithaca, New York, which was my maternal grandmothers church, and the one where I was baptized and grew up frequenting on Sundays. Then zoom forward, seventeen years of age, and I encountered a medium / psychic fellow who helped me remember a previous incarnation. I was an Irish Catholic priest, mid 1800’s, and being inducted into that understanding was at the time just another amusement, but turned out to be fundamental for all the things that came afterwards. All of these events, little accidents, little nudges, all to place me on a certain path, and now that I look back in retrospect, it is hilariously obvious that I was always going to end up here.

Then several years ago, I started knowing things. I would be able to guess, with shocking uncanny success, if I was posed with a problem or question, and in the first heartbeat, that answer, which more and more started just happening all by itself would just land in my lap. After a series of self-exams where I would honestly test myself, test this gift, and after I was rocking nearly 100% accuracy I accepted it and let it become a part of who I am. I don’t use it intentionally, instead my instincts guided me to regard it as just another worthwhile input, pouring all of what the world had for me, all my perceptions, the events that happened in my life, all into a central pool and let everything mingle. I later discovered that this gift has a name, it’s called claircognizance. The ability to acquire knowing, gnosis, immediately without having to expend any sort of mental labor to reach the answer. I still had no idea what was happening to me, but I wanted desperately to follow all these breadcrumbs left for me, like a trail of M&M’s.

Over time, I picked up many more skills, through my young adulthood I picked up Tarot, Runes, and Bibliomancy and started to appreciate the more numinous and subtle shadings of existence. I started asking the big questions, the purpose of life, why we exist, and trying to understand this world that I exist in, what it means and my place within it. Then I had three lifelong lessons to cope with co-dependency. The first lesson was co-dependency in my family, then in my love life, and finally in my public life. Each time I thought I was done with the lessons to learn, only to careen into the next lesson. All of this set me up for my development, but also encouraged me to start addressing all the shadows in my life. Early traumas, sadnesses, and hurts that all goaded me into a kind of compartmentalization. Every interaction with others was jarring and painful, unpleasant and upsetting. Turns out, my nascent empathy was traumatized and as such, I created barricades around this, to protect myself. Everyone who wanted to grab a token and hurt me could line up, get their abuse jollies and I would just sit there and take it, stoically. It was just dissociation, which I came to understand much later in life. You can’t reach me if I’m not here, so I would leave. Leave within myself.

Years of this, of being the black sheep of my family, to being isolated and lonely, a permanent outsider, never once fitting in properly anywhere, never a part of anything, always browsing from outside and looking in on a world that seemed to be really quite wonderful, but also not for me. So I decided that I could just do it all alone, I was isolated and lonely anyways, nobody could understand the vast sweeping ideas that I was having, so I just determined to keep it all inside. That I could explore where I wanted to go, how I wanted to evolve in this lifetime and I would do it as a solitary practitioner. It felt right, I had mile-high barricades built around me, I kept my caring parts, my empathy, close to me, protecting it from a rude and nasty world full of rude and nasty human beings, and I resolved that I would live the rest of my days, cut off and happy. Happy in my separate peace.

And then, suddenly and unbidden, I started to channel. I would talk to myself, or more clearly, I would hear my own voice talking to me, and there was both messages and feelings to this exchange. I didn’t think I was losing my faculties, I felt like it was another gift from the Universe, maybe something like a consolation prize for an unhappy childhood, perhaps. And I accepted it, if it was going to be a part of me, then I would welcome it, add it to the chorus that was feeding into the central pool of experience building slowly within my mind. By accepting it, it doesn’t upset me, and some days the channel “pops open” several times a day, and sometimes it doesn’t for weeks at a time, it comes when it comes, it says what it says, and always the messages are advice, suggestions, and above everything else, this pervasive feeling of love and support. I can’t make anyone proud of me out there, but I apparently can for my channel, and whatever is on the other side of the line. For good or ill, I accept it.

Then after a while, with a lifetime of material building up within me, I started feeling this unfocused foreboding sensation. Like I could feel something coming towards us, from the future, something we were all blindly stumbling into, traipsing into. That’s when I tried to reach out, I didn’t know what sort of warning I could give, so I started to try to help people. My gift comes with a curse. The curse of Cassandra is the closest mythological story I can come up with. Gifted with knowledge, the gnosis from the claircognizance, but the curse that I would never be believed. I came to understand that I was still an outsider, but oddly enough, I started to also find people who could actually hear me. I think they would be proud to call themselves neurodivergent, and when I would share with them, they would hear me. It was jarring and shocking. The curse was always with me, making me othered, separated, an outsider with those that surround me, except for the neurodivergent.

Over time, I came to learn that everything that was happening to me was suited to a much greater purpose. Ticking boxes, checking off elements, and slowly evolving my way into becoming a Lightworker. I had this sense of foreboding still, and I carry it to this day, it’s still with me. I then encountered a dear friend who I never considered interested in any of this stuff, but he started helping me by saying the exactly right things, at the right time. The channel kept on telling me that someone would walk into my life, sometime very soon, and that they would help me to grow and open up. So, with my channel telling me it was the best path for me, and nudging me with synchronicities and unexplainable coincidences, I gave up my barricades and let each one of them crumble. This one person, this one very special person, enabled me to share all that I had become, all I had discovered, and everything that I had to say. This person could hear me, they would listen, and they offered kindness and support. I then started to dream again, I wasn’t remembering the dreams like I had, but I felt this irresistible pressure build within me. I wanted desperately to grow, to relax, to unclench. I knew exactly what would be my next step in my personal evolution, and that was that I needed to be Bright. As a Lightworker, I am told that I have a presence and a glow to me, perhaps I do, but I also feel this urge to actually try. Not just to accept what the channel and other sensitives and empaths share with me, but to grab the reins and pursue it. This pursuit has become one of the most exciting and passionate pursuits of my entire lifetime.

I know what I am supposed to do, my role in all of this. As a Lightworker I am supposed to inspire others. I am to follow a path of ever increasing emotional vibratory frequencies. I have to ask at every juncture, what do I prefer? What choice would lead me to where I want to go, this image in my mind of a world that we all want to live in. One built out of kindness, compassion, love, and respect. That’s my path, and as a part of it, I felt this overwhelming revulsion to all my prior low-frequency emotions. Hate, Fear, Anger, Rage. So I actively spurned all of those, at each juncture picking hope, kindness, compassion, and deep feelings of love over all the awful feelings. I was so angry, all the time, and I have come to understand that anger and fear are just messengers from beyond me, helping me to push myself towards the light. More than just abandoning the low frequency feelings, I embraced them, felt them, let them reach expression through me and as I did, they one by one faded out of my life. As it turns out, I was doing shadow-work, without even knowing that it was called that.

For me, in this world, I see the realm we exist in made up of three spheres. The lowest sphere is what my channel has termed “The Tar”, it’s hot, black, sticky, and has a breathtaking undertow that will grab you and pull you under with it. The Tar is a world of hate, fear, risk, suspicion, and scarcity of everything. It’s repugnant to me, and when I feel it, I try to steer away from it if I can. The next sphere is “The Dim”, and that’s our current world. You can see the light, it isn’t bright, but it is visible. You know what you should do, you see the path, you just need courage to walk it. We all live in The Dim, it’s the work-a-day world, the subsistence of living, the endless trudge of Same Shit, Different Day. The last sphere, the sphere I am working to enter, to champion, is “The Bright”. This sphere is one of kindness, compassion, respect, understanding, and is the home of my irrational altruism. That impulse to do something nice, unbidden, without any recompense because to give of myself in this way feels authentically vital.

I figured, as my journey started to take me down many unusual and out-of-the-way avenues, which I term my “woo woo” landscape, that really all of this, how I got here, what it all means, can all be reduced down to me simply wanting to have the Bright feelings, kindness, compassion, love, hope… the things that gain and generate and produce without working for it. A balm to the scarcity of The Tar, I suppose now that I have laid it all out for the first time from thoughts to words. My Lightworker nature just gives me a kind of vector, not only do I want to be more in The Bright, but I want to bring more of The Bright to everyone around me. All the advice that I get from my channel and all the sensitives and empaths that I have gotten to know on a personal level all give me little nudges. At first I wanted to scoop up everyone that I cared for, like a kind of shepherd of my flock as it were, and try to literally drag them into The Bright with me, because I didn’t want to lose any of them to The Tar. I could help them rise above The Dim, if I could just be strong enough, and convincing enough, to try hard enough. Once I had started trying, the channel and my sensitive friends all started to beat the drum to correct my path, another nudge. My place wasn’t to force or cajole or even prompt people, but instead to understand that what really matters in everything isn’t hard power, but soft power. Hard power is slapped down by Karma, where soft power is supported by Karma. So I shifted my approach and now I am concentrating all my energies on picking the right options in each juncture, and flowing from trying to make people hear me, to trying to inspire people. I can’t inspire without actually sharing myself with others, and so, this blog post was born in my mind and I write it out in an effort to be Bright and to shine.

The foreboding of what is coming is still with me. The world has sputtered and coughed in recent years, and there is this sense of something on the horizon that we are witlessly marching into, all of us. I don’t know what it is, nor when it is supposed to be, but I do know that I am right where I need to be. I need to tell people who I am, what I can do, and to simply inspire and shine as best that I can, being as damaged as I have been – and to rise above that trauma, all the reasons deep inside me that are screaming at me to not write any of this, to not share it, to not shine. If I don’t shine, I won’t be noticed, and I’ll be safe. If I ignore all of that, if I chase this Bright down and embody it myself, then I will shine, I will be noticed, and there might be risk. Then I smile and recall that I am to pick whichever choice is brighter at every juncture, and so, it’s brighter for me to share this with you all, knowing that an act of deep disclosure of a personal vulnerability is a monumental act of grace and trust, fills me with such joy and happiness. It’s scary, it’s frightening, and it’s also incredibly liberating! As with many things, when you are up close to a thing, all you can see is that thing, so this feels huge and monumental, but over time, and perspective that develops, this is just a blip, a pebble on the path, not a mountain.

The time for me to inspire, to learn to shine in time to reach my loved ones, if not more people, is running out. I don’t want to convince anyone of anything. I want to only share ideas, not beliefs. Ideas are fluid things, they can be endlessly revised and they don’t pick up the kind of baggage that comes with belief. Soon the foreboding event will happen, and I, and the other sparsely distributed Lightworkers will be standing alone again, but instead of being alone and separate from the rest of everyone, we are supposed to stand and guide. To be independent and strong, and to show the way.

That’s what occupies my time now, all my thoughts, every motive is bent to pursuit of this Brightness, and right now my channel is open, and whatever lies on the other side has this to share here, “The thing that scares you the most is quite often your next step. Be brave. Do your best.”

And that’s what all this comes down to. Do my best. My gift to give is giving itself. I am to give my shine to everyone, in hopes that they understand what it is that I want of the world. To leave the Tar and the Dim behind, to be Bright.

Walk in the Light.

VAR Blues

I had to step away from the VAR I was using at work because of a recent change they had instituted with my business account. For years, I had enjoyed a classic relationship of having a single VAR Account Executive assigned to my account, where the AE would learn from me and get to know me, and I would get to know them as well. It was a very successful working relationship, and had been the way of things for six years. Around two months ago, the company made a change. They moved my business account from the structure that I was familiar with over to a team-based structure, and billed the benefits to include “There will always be an AE to work on your account” as a value-added proposition. I was worried that the change would instead eliminate the engagement, the learning, and the developing relationship between customer and reseller.

This new structure included a single shared email address that many people had access to, the AE’s assigned to the “Pod” and the “Pod Manager” who also kept a view on the shared mailbox. I was supposed to send every correspondence to this shared address. At first, I enjoyed the value proposition that there would always be someone to get my messages and to execute my requests. Although, to be brutally honest, access to my Account Executive was never really a problem, so this value proposition was actually a “solution in search of a problem” that I didn’t have. It wasn’t until much later, in the retrospective analysis, that I came to realize this as more significant than I considered it at first.

It was after this, when the rest of the feature set for this new structure started to appear. I’m certain that the VAR thought that all of these things were only enhancing value for customers, but really every step just led me further away from where I was most comfortable. I wasn’t able to “get to know” my team of Account Executives, they remain faceless, voiceless text in email. This lack of humanity was at first not considered to be an issue, but later on became significantly problematic. The disconnection accelerated as we progressed. I was no longer handing work to an Account Executive, asking them for advice and tips, and there was a significant amount of value that I was suddenly unable to access. I had come into the arrangement with a habit of asking my Account Executive to send me quotes on various items, and they would seek the best fitting item that suited my preferences and hand me a quote for the recommended items that best fit my needs and, during pandemic, had a better chance of being in stock. This habit was broken by the new way of doing things. I was no longer able to reach out to an Account Executive to get advice, to have their vantage point much closer to the manufacturers and distributors that we all were using to acquire technology, now I was supposed to simply go on the VAR website, find what I wanted, do my own shopping, and then assemble my own quotes. This feeling of being cut loose became pervasive because it was just another touted feature, considered by the VAR to be part of the “Value Added”, and quickly included not only writing my own quotes, but submitting my own orders as well.

The loss of engagement, the anonymity of the Account Executives involved, and how I was supposed to move all of my previous activities to self-directed work, ostensibly leveraged on the VAR website, all touted as “value added” components were actually just the opposite for me. It wasn’t until I started actually living in this new environment, doing my tasks this new way, that I realized just how much I had missed the old way that I used to do things. The value proposition was always above board, nobody was intentionally being manipulative or malicious, but the result was cold, impersonal, and made me feel like there was an erosion of all the value that at one point was part of my “value added” experience with my VAR.

Whenever there is a change, items can be lost in translation, they can get missed, I do not fault anyone for missing say one or two small things as the customer and the Account Executive in the VAR start to grow together and establish a working relationship together. I didn’t want to, at the time, hold people’s feet to the fire, but that’s exactly what I ended up having to do. I maintain a strict three-strikes policy when it comes to faults, if it’s awful, and you did it three times, that means that it isn’t a mistake, it isn’t overlooking something, it’s part of the design.

The first fault was completely missing the deadline on renewal of security software that my company depends upon to protect us all online. Thankfully, the manufacturer has a very gracious fifteen day grace period, where deadlines are much softer than how they actually sound. The fault resolved, and we moved forward. The second fault came shortly after the first one, and again, the same manufacturer. Missing the renewal of contractual agreements that enable me as a customer to approach the manufacturer’s technical support center if I have any questions or problems. It was addressed and we landed on our feet, but again, we had to sag backwards into the fifteen-day grace period. The third strike was one of tragic poor communication, and one of the most egregious failures I’ve ever witnessed. This failure also coincided with a new Account Executive team member whom I had never communicated with before.

The lack of experience and knowledge on both sides of the divide, again, became a problem that really got in the way. This new Account Executive asked me over several email exchanges questions that were too vague to answer because there wasn’t any included detail. IT is a detail-centric category. We thrive on details, we need exact details, like numbers, or topics, some way to clearly identify what it is that we are talking about. It doesn’t really work when people try to use vague communication styles packed with pronouns and references to unknown objects. Exchange after exchange in this manner became tedious and incredibly tiresome. After several iterations, where I had also started carbon-copying the Pod Manager, did the truth of the situation reveal itself. Once I learned what the object of the conversation was, I tracked it and realized that the subject work should have been completed months before when they had already invoiced my company for the work completed, invoiced and paid.

That was the last straw, the VAR relationship had a tragic and lethal attack right on that spot, right at that time. I began to pursue a kind of “re-entry to the VAR marketplace”, essentially shopping for a new VAR. I found one, chatted them up, had several fantastic meetings and the new VAR has more energy than I’ve seen from the previous one, more professionalism, and more effectiveness. Furthermore, I was also clear with the old VAR, telling them that it was unconscionable how things had unraveled between us, including the “Pod Manager” who never even once attempted to intervene. It was like complaining at a brick wall, for all that I got out of the subsequent correspondences.

The way I was treated was more educational than bothersome. It was a lesson for how important my companies account was to the old VAR, that during the COVID-19 Pandemic, our purchasing slowed because the supply channels also slowed. We wanted technology that was on extensive backorder, and so as our purchasing slowed and stopped, our value to the old VAR ebbed away. The group arrangement was a lesson in and of itself, we were too small, too insignificant to assign to a singular Account Executive, and so, we were effectively downsized as a customer.

We were expected to do all our own work, be our own VAR, as it were because we simply weren’t buying enough to be relevant to our previous VAR. This in itself carries a rather embarrassing knock-on side effect because we had ordered a particular kind of technology from a particular manufacturer and we had eleven items on extreme backorder with the VAR. The old VAR never valued our account, and this was proven out to us by the later revelation that the eleven items on extreme backorder actually slipped into “End Of Life” from the manufacturer. The VAR couldn’t be bothered to re-evaluate the old Open Orders unprompted, discover the EOL surprise themselves, and try saving face by explaining to us what had happened and offering alternatives. What had happened instead, was that the customer had started conversing with a new VAR, discovered the EOL condition, that highlighted just how little the prior VAR cared.

It didn’t matter what the old VAR even wanted to attempt in recovery efforts for the now fully dead business relationship because the single thing that they bring, their “Value Added Reseller” nature, was proven to be totally absentee. We didn’t buy technology for lack of funds, we didn’t buy technology because the people meant to handle the reselling never noticed that what they had already sold ceased to be for sale by the manufacturer!

So I walked away. I moved many orders from the old VAR, spec’ed them out with the new VAR, and actually ended up solving nearly all the seriously backordered gaps in our purchasing stream in one singular afternoon. I sometimes wonder, idly so, if the old VAR thinks about the suddenly cancelled orders, where we were waiting since April with extreme backorders, and then interest fades. Do they even care, do they even notice? They didn’t care enough to look at any old open orders, to even see that the item that we were waiting for shipping on was never ever going to ship because the manufacturer simply stopped selling it. Not having the attention to detail on historical items makes it not really any surprise that they kept on fumbling until the customer simply walked away.

I think that the critical lesson for me in all this drama with the two VARs has been the hidden value that engagement had throughout the entire experience. I never really had a visceral feeling for just how important the engagement was between myself and my VAR Account Executive until it was eroded almost completely. Once engagement disappeared, it was a game-changer for me because it illustrated just how important VAR Account Executives are in the process, how much I had come to rely on them. The VAR Account Executive sits in a very high place, able to see things that customers cannot. Their fingers on the pulse of international transport, distribution, and delivery. I only wish that my prior VAR had not allowed six years of solid, dependable positive experiences go down the drain like it did. I am far happier with my new VAR. With the right engagement between customer and Account Executive, I have already spent $25,000 with the new VAR! These dollar values are still small potatoes in comparison to other customers, but $25,000 is certainly more profit for the new VAR than for the old one who is just sitting on a pile of cancelled orders.

Catching Up

Welcome to the end of July 2021! So much has happened, and most of it has passed without a blog entry. Life is a box of chocolates and sometimes you run into a really thick caramel and have to slow down.


shallow focus photography of microscope
Photo by Chokniti Khongchum on

In the time I’ve been away, I discovered that on Saint Patrick’s Day 2021, March 17th, that I had contracted COVID-19 when I could no longer smell or taste anything. My test came back positive, but I didn’t have a strong illness associated with it. Then my mind cast back to January 2020, and when I thought that I had Norovirus, but upon reflection I think it might have been COVID-19 as well, except in January of 2020, COVID kicked my ass. So perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t, I didn’t get tested at the time. Then we all got the happy news that we were invited to have our first vaccination series with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Mine was on 3/30, and then subsequently again on 4/20. Now I have at least one true COVID-19 infection, and the mRNA, so that puts me in a pretty strong resistant category.

Working From Home & Working In The Office

During the entire pandemic, the state of Michigan opened and closed. We played the flirt game with spikes and surges and it was very ugly for quite a while. Restaurants closed up left and right, the only real dining game in town was those joints that decided to adopt a strong take-out offering. I bounced from Home to the Office, and in one of those bounces, I contracted COVID-19 from my workplace. Since then, I have had weight issues which naturally led to hypertensive issues as well. Since April I think, I’ve been back in the office, and back in the swing of things. I still quarantine myself, I still mask, and I still have lots of hand sanitizer. COVID-19 has changed how I behave, it created a host of new habits and since they can only help me, I have kept them going. I don’t know if I will ever let go of them.


On April 16th, 2021 I started the Noom program. I started at 331.4 pounds, and now I’m down to 291.4 pounds, on the program, with a lifetime goal of 220 pounds. The program is very good, the educational components are really quite valuable and I’m almost done with the education parts. I don’t think that I’m ready to “be free of the program” as I think what I need most is the discipline that the app offers me, the rigorous control over my food intake, and being careful so as to not over-indulge and gain back the weight I have lost so far. I definitely think that Noom is a diet that everyone could really benefit from, I don’t feel deprived or starving, and I still am losing weight.


person holding purple and white pen
Photo by Castorly Stock on

Over pandemic, I picked up a new hobby. Crochet, which is a style of working with yarn to make various fabrics and items. So far I’ve made many blankets, hats, gloves, and “Cat Pads” for donation to Kalamazoo Animal Rescue. I have discovered that Bernat Blanket, which is a 100% Polyester yarn works amazingly well for animal applications. The yarn is very strong, it can stand up to sanitization methods, and it doesn’t suffer when cats dig in with their claws. I started a blog Bluedepth’s Crochet and there I cover all the neat things that I’m exploring with the yarn arts.

One of the obvious and unfortunate things about yarn arts, and Crochet and Knitting is the gender issues that surround them. Both are seen as “women’s work” and so, much of the education and pattern supply is led by and for women. Obviously, there are some things that are unisex, and I do wish quite often that more people would try something like crochet or knitting, they may find something they truly love and celebrate as I do when I make something beautiful and it is instantly useful.

Meraki Z1 & Cisco 2801 Link Negotiation Gremlin

Today at work I ran into a really long-standing issue that we’ve had in one of our company branches. This branch uses an EOL/EOS Meraki Z1 Teleworker Gateway and also uses a hilariously EOL/EOS Cisco 2801 Integrated Services Router.

The setup is very straightforward, on the Internet side of the Teleworker gateway is a Comcast cable modem, and it’s only capable of 60mbit downlink and 10mbit uplink for maximum speed. We rebooted everything, re-tested from the cable modem and then to the desktop itself, and the speed from the cable modem was just as we expected, 60/10, but the speed from the desktop was 4/6!

I had rebooted everything. The cable modem, the Meraki Z1 Gateway, the Cisco 2801 ISR, and the Cisco 3560 Catalyst switch. Even the Cisco IP Phone got a reset! The speed gremlin held out, 4/6. So while working with some staff in the branch, I just happened to mouse-over the graphic on the Meraki Dashboard for this device and spotted the gremlin. The mouse-over tip for LAN1, where the Cat5 cable goes from the Meraki Z1 to the Cisco 2801 showed 100mbit/half-duplex. I checked into the terminal on the 2801 and verified that the port was fixed at 100mbit/full-duplex! So, I opened the Meraki Z1 device Ethernet configuration page, found LAN1, and changed it from “Auto” to 100mbit/full-duplex.

Forcing the speed and duplex settings resolved all the problems right out to the Desktop! Hooray! And what I learned from this is that Meraki Z1 Teleworker Gateways cannot successfully auto-negotiate link speed and duplex with a Cisco 2801 Router. So if you have unexplained crappy network performance, always make sure that link speed and duplex match what you think they should. Sometimes “Auto” isn’t.

Photo Credit: Gremlin Grotesque, Winchelsea church
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Julian P Guffogg -

Ulysses 18.7 and WordPress 5.4


I just had a devil of a time with my Ulysses to WordPress integration. Something underhanded happened on the way to the Forum. Either it was something that WordPress tweaked in 5.4, or my host did something clever to get in the way and didn’t tell me. Someone left a very important bit out, which broke Ulysses, my editor of choice for blogging.

The solution was to be found in these two sites:

David Bosman’s Blog – Ulysses and WordPress and

Hans Bruins’s Medium Post – Ulysses and WordPress

So if you were using Ulysses all along, and it suddenly crapped out on you with WordPress, these instructions seem to do the trick, it did so for me!

New Editor: Ulysses


For what seems like ages, I have been on the witless search for the best text editor for my MacBook Pro. Trying BBEdit, TextWrangler, Atom, MacVim, Pages, TextEdit… the list just goes on and on. Along with this fools errand, I’ve also been searching for the best font to use. What a pile of wet monkey spit this entire task has been.

So enter Ulysses. I was interested in this a while back, but the app wouldn’t function on my system at the time because I was living in denial about Mac OSX Mojave. I was happy with Yosemite and I was going to be damned if I was going to upset every apple cart I had and upgrade to Mojave. But then app after app started to upgrade on me, and over time it was easier to capitulate to Mojave and upgrade to it. Now that I’m using Mojave, I decided to give Ulysses another shot. So far, I don’t hate it, which is about as much as I was expecting honestly. It’ll take more time to actually see how it works as a new text editor, so right now I will just say that the jury is out.

Next to that is the font issue. There is a theme that covers editors, fonts, and even can be extended to movies, music, and comic books, and that is that there are so many options that someone who is on the outside looking in simply cannot choose one place to start. Websites are full of suggestions and sometimes those are handy, you can spot a font that you’ve seen in your application and you can try it out, while other times you get advice that Font XYZ is really quite amazing and then you discover that you have to pay for it, or the application you want to use simply won’t let you use that font. So instead of fretting over endless font choices I just threw a dart and ended up with Open Sans. Maybe it’ll work for me, maybe it will drive me bananas. Although maybe the editors will do that first.

So we’ll see just what we have in store for Ulysses in the days and weeks to come. This editor also comes with a method that might be able to publish to my WordPress Blog, and that will be the next test, to see if it does what it promises.

Apple iOS 13 or How To Kill An App

Apple released iOS 13.0 a few days ago, and then a series of iterative updates from there. The last I checked, we are now up to iOS 13.1.2. They have updated the Reminders app, and in doing so, and making the updates non-functional across their entire platform across the version barrier of iOS 12 and 13, iOS on iPad and iPadOS, and Mojave/Catalina they have, with a single stroke, killed their Reminders app for me. I was looking forward to the update to Reminders, maybe replacing the rather dull Toodledo app on my devices, and then they did it. Reminders only works if you “Convert” and if you do, it’s a one way deal. So now there is little to no point in actually using Reminders since it doesn’t work everywhere I am any longer, but it does push me further into using Toodledo and reinforces my purchase of another year of premium service with Toodledo.

I have just fielded a question about Exchange and sent items in iOS 13. It appears that iOS may not be successfully chaining Exchange emails into conversations. I will have to look into that today.

Circling The Drain

Endless solicitations for donations and requests for money for political campaigns make up 75% of my email junk folder.

The absolute meaninglessness and crassness arrives every single day, multiple times a day. Everyone is doing it, and so they all feel like this is the best way to spend their time and what they should be doing.

“If you aren’t doing your job, you should be fundraising.”

But lets stab the pause button on all of it. What is your job? These people all are part of a great machine known as representative democracy here in the United States of America. But since the primary form of political power and political speech is actually money, we can dispense with vast sections of what used to be political reality. Senators no longer need to deliberate, Representatives no longer need to represent. Political animals no longer need to do anything other than raise and spend money. That’s all there is to it. The money is the fuel and the Machiavellianism is the toolbox that the fuel is channeled through.  The dark triad runs politics: Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psycopathy.

So I get messages from Jon Hoadley, from Gary Peters, and a rogues gallery of other political animals all seeking just one solitary thing. Money. The toolbox has only one tool in it, the sopping paint-roller of fear. Money to buy writing about fear, and to instill it into the population. To squeeze us all using fear, appeals to fear, declarations of fear, condemnations using fear, it’s all the same message. We need money to terrorize you all, so that you will all give us more money, so we can ramp up the terror. More fear, more money, more fear, more money.

This is why politics is broken. This is why all of the norms are shattered. This is why the world is slowly and inexorably circling the drain. There is nothing else, no other messaging. No other communication. They don’t represent us, they simply solicit for money and vomit forth giant sopping loads of fear.

Fuck fear, fuck money, and fuck politics. This is why they fail, this is why it’s all crap.

This all came to a head with my US Senator, Gary Peters. I honestly don’t know who he is or what he stands for. The only time I ever got any communication from him, or I should say, is copy machine and letter folder, and envelope printer, and postal meter, was yesterday in a solicitation for money. I didn’t read anything in the actual letter. I just folded it up and slipped it in the recycling bag at home. It’s the same thing I do with the mental image of whoever Gary Peters is, I fold him up, and slip him into the recycling bag in my head. Right along with Gary Peters is Jon Hoadley. Whoever he is, whatever he stands for, the only time I hear from him is when he wants money. Again, I don’t care about him or what he represents, because it is all meaningless. It’s money, it’s fear, it’s politics.

Don’t ask us for money. Don’t make that ALL that you do. Engage with us, reach out to us, there are a lot of us but isn’t that a part of your actual job? And so, we return to the previous line above for a point: “If you aren’t doing your job, you should be fundraising.” And the answer is written as plain as day, you just aren’t doing your job. So all you are doing is fundraising and thinking that that is your job. That is why we are so very tired of all of you. You don’t know us, you don’t talk to us, you don’t represent us. You spend no time actually interested in your constituents and think that this is all a game of celebrity political whack-a-mole.

There is no love lost. It’s all lazy, mendacious, and corrupt. You wear a bright blue vest with the word DEMOCRAT written on it, and so we vote for you. Not because of who you are, but because we have reduced everything down to two colors. We vote and we elect you into office and we know that nothing will be accomplished, that the very best any of us have to hope for is a kind of silent trudging through the maintenance of the status quo. Life has a ritual, a pattern, a routine. As long as the routine is not affected, all the rest of it is just inconsequential political theater.

So, trot about on the political stage and waste your lives doing nothing for nobody. We aren’t watching, we don’t really care, you are all completely out of touch with the rest of us, that all of this is just an immense comedy. It’s a sham and we all know it. But none of us care to fight it out because there is no hope of change. There is nobody who will listen, there is nobody who actually cares, there is just another meaningless fear-driven solicitation for money.



Derailing Robocalls

If you have an iPhone as your mobile device, you can set up a foolproof filter for pretty much all Robocalls, unwanted solicitations, or anything else that bothers you with multiple calls on your mobile phone.

The first step is to create a Voicemail Greeting that lets people know that they have to introduce themselves with their numbers first, and then once they exist in your Contact List, then your phone will ring and you might answer it. If your callers don’t know, then they will never get through.

The second step is to make sure your Contact List in your iPhone is as up-to-date as you can make it. Trim out any junk, do your best to de-dupe the list, get it so it is nice and tidy.

Third step is to go into Settings, then to Do Not Disturb settings, Turn Do Not Disturb ON, set Schedule if you want it off, although I just leave my phone on DND permanently. Silence Always, and in the Phone section, “Allow Calls From” and set that to “All Contacts”. Turn Repeated Calls off, and any other setting is your personal preference.

When inbound calls arrive, they will be checked via their Caller ID presentation with your Contact List. If they don’t know which number will match in your Contact List, then your phone will never ring. It will obviously ring for the caller, until they arrive in Voicemail, and then they leave a message introducing themselves, which is after all, a civilized way of using these devices. If you met someone IRL, then you’d have to create a contact for them in order for them to ring your iPhone.

If you have any other iOS device, like an iPad, you should configure that the same way as your iPhone so when it is connected over Wifi it doesn’t ring the way you don’t want it to.

After that, you won’t get any more inbound calls unless they are from your Contact List. No fuss, no muss.

Cream of Mushroom Soup & Grilled Cheese with Sauteed Onions and Peppers

Oh, oh my God. First I started with Pressure Luck’s Cream of Mushroom Soup and then put the spurs to a small pile of onions and green peppers, then slipped them into grilled cheese with Meunster cheese, which is my favorite.

Some adjustments I made to the soup was double the Sherry, double the Garlic, ramped up the Thyme to 1 tbsp, and used Chicken Stock instead of the BTB Mushroom Base. I think the BTB would have rocked it, but I think 5 cups is too much, so next time I’ll go with 4 cups, instead.

Such a delightful dinner! The instant pot only took five minutes to bring it all together. Bravo!