August Lightworker Download

Today I received a pretty steady stream of inspiration and wrote a fair amount of what is bouncing around in my mind. I was writing to a close friend, but it is pretty much meant for everyone.

It was why I was sent here. What I was supposed to do. But I can’t. Wabbits scatter. So I just have to remain in the core vibration and be strong. That’s the primary advice from my channel. I have to be strong for people. Possibly you all. Possibly for when shit hits the fan.

First contact. Natural disasters. Mass ascension. Helping people with the endless cavalcade of release and integrate energies pouring from Gaia to us via the Schumann.

This planet is alive. Conscious. With it. Awake. She talks to us with weather, the sun, and even yes, the Schumann gap.

The reason why everyone has been spicy, grumpy, scattered, shitty sleeping, bazonkers dreams, and sudden shadow work just bubbling up from below previously riveted deck plates.

The Earth is ascending. She’s rising in vibe and the Sun is helping. The Sun affects Gaia, and she is affecting us.

The higher the lightworkers help everyone anchor and raise vibe, the faster the trip. We’re headed to a kind of New Earth. Shits gonna start to happen, miracles people will call them. And everything will change. We are leaving the domain of limitation and duality. That is direct and unmistakable.

It will start with unexpected and inexplicable synchronicities. Then people will start to align with their path, their soul contract terms, and they’ll begin to manifest. With all of it, comes inexplicable abundance. Strength, health, money, time, attention, awareness.

You can see it happening in real time. Witness the Harris/Walz campaign. Something to believe in, a source of joy, they are either lightworkers or unwitting anchor-points. But they are vaporizing fear everywhere they go.

As people leave the low vibe behind, as they appeal to love, kindness, compassion, and courage they become the next runner in the relay race to the New Earth.

So as more people pick to be kind, they are emitting that into the universe. The law of attraction is immutable and infinitely powerful. It isn’t that we have to call something to us trying to get in as much as releasing all the shit that wants to get away from us.

The more that we allow our pure inner preferences to be expressed in our lives, the more simple and easy our lives will become. Trust in the process. Release the awful shit, and stop roasting yourself with deprecating inner monologues. That’s my current hurdle.

The more people that do this, the easier life will be for us. It’s supposed to be easy. We have challenges and they are supposed to be set to easy mode. But we call shit we don’t want, and we hold onto it, trapping what doesn’t want to be with us, with us. And so, we are beset with misfortune. Letting the shit that you don’t want go, opens the door to all the amazing stuff that is desperately trying to reach us. Every single one of us. Lightworkers were sent to help everyone learn this, make better choices, be kinder with yourselves, and we are meant to quite literally show the way. We point to an easier life. Abundance. Plenty. Not ever having to fret or worry, regret or dread. But stay here and now. Make your choices and allow us to show you that some of your beliefs are actually gremlins smashing all the good things away from you.

I’m tearing piles of tar out of the world and brightening it. The less tar around me, the more that people near me will not be so angry, upset, and fearful. They will begin to let their shit go. Then, once they start letting go, there is room, a void, a gap, and then all the blessings FIFO queue into your life. They are right up against you, but we are all riddled with beliefs that create cinder block shields. Nothing good can cross, unless you smash a cinder block out of your wall. Then the abundance comes.

But you have to listen to us. The raving ones. The people who are trying desperately to illumine the way. Don’t believe in us, don’t follow us. Listen to us. What we say. Our advice is leading you all to the New Earth. Nova Gaia.

Every person is a fully powered and functional warp core that believes it’s a baseball card stuck in the spokes of a bicycle!!! I am not shitting around! That’s EXACTLY what we see!

Everyone has the capacity of God. That’s the power we see in you all! It’s all the shit that people carry. Thinking that you have to carry it. Your traumas, your karmas, all of it. You all, generally, sit inside a lead casket and since nobody sees any shine, they assume shining isn’t even possible.

So we are to demonstrate our teachings through our living. We are to be powerful and abundant and all the things that each and every human is entitled to feel. To show you all, it can be done. To cajole you into trying to forgive your traumas. Try to release your karmas. It is only you holding yourself in the jail of your own making.

Think of it as red pill exit the matrix. If that helps. We are all in a matrix. Some of us have begun to red-pill ourselves.