New York moves toward gay marriage, while Michigan finds new and costly ways to stick it to the gays |

New York moves toward gay marriage, while Michigan finds new and costly ways to stick it to the gays |

It’s almost as if forces are aligning to support my plan! When Western provided “DEI” support, which allows employees to cover one other person that they know with healthcare. When it was first offered I couldn’t help but laugh at it. What a way to go. To provide domestic partner benefits to homosexuals without saying you are doing so. I give this place extra credit on one hand and I laugh about the bullshit from the state on the other hand. That we need guerilla tactics to provide employees with equality, that really takes the cake. I didn’t opt to do it because the DEI package would have bankrupted me. I can’t afford the costs and the lower pay, I’m scrabbling by as it is, but I did appreciate what the University was doing, albeit underhanded and guerilla-fashion.

Now New York State is on the edge of approving Gay Marriage and Michigan is doing whatever it can to punish Universities that offer DEI either by outright persecution or, apparently in the most recent attack, attaching a 5% reduction in state aid to the Universities that dare offer equality protections like DEI. Here in Michigan it’s all being led by Representative David Agema from Grandville. He’s a republican, of course, and I have no idea where Grandville is nor do I care. In many ways I think of Rep. Agema of doing me a huge favor. I know my kind isn’t respected, wanted, or tolerated by the people of Michigan – I’ve made peace with that fact and life goes on.

Once I can afford a move, I will be going back to New York State. It is quite obvious that my time in Michigan is limited, people like me know when we aren’t wanted so all that matters is just getting out of debt, saving up, and making that move from a state that doesn’t care to one that does.

An American robs a bank of $1, just for free health care in jail – Shareables

An American robs a bank of $1, just for free health care in jail – Shareables.

At some point all these distressing, disturbing, and ultimately embarrassing situations will have to be resolved or a majority of people will end up in jail not because they need correction in any criminal-justice way but because there is no hope for them anywhere but in jail.

What happens when people try to break into jail? They don’t want to be a part of the world anymore, they want desperately to go to jail, where they’ll be fed, educated, and provided with healthcare while they are being “punished”. At what point does the definition of jail switch with the definition for not-jail? This is right up there with the people that argue that having jails is more preferable than having schools. In many American cities I’m sure you could find schools that are more secure than the nearest jail.

In a few short weeks I will be visiting with some of my more conservative family and I most certainly will be thinking about this while I endure their endless prattling on about why conservatism is so much more superior to liberalism. Then again this time I will be armed with my iPhone, so I can ignore most of it conveniently.

A line in the sand: Michigan Supreme Court Justice defines activist judges from rule of law judges in appearance before Tea Party |

A line in the sand: Michigan Supreme Court Justice defines activist judges from rule of law judges in appearance before Tea Party |

It’s actually a very simple discrimination to make. “Rule of Law” judges are conservative judges and “Activist Judges” are liberal judges. The only people who make this distinction are the conservatives who are unhappy that they aren’t getting their way in every sector of government. Conservatives aren’t at all interested in solving the problems of society with liberals, they are sure their way is the only way, so these sort of pronouncements are childs play. The tea party is devoted to this line of reasoning. I love it when conservatives go after liberals and their social programs. It helps illustrate their profound and deep-seated hypocrisy. The same people who rail against all the evil that liberals have perpetrated on the world are more than willing to suckle at the entitlements that the liberals established. If you were really conservative, march yourself right down to the Social Security office and declare that you no longer want Social Security payments, and while you’re at it, go to Medicare and declare that you no longer want that either.

When you do both of those, come on back and argue your points. Then you’ll finally occupy a position of authority after you put your money where your mouth is. Until that happens, please, shut up and cash your Social Security checks and go back to wildly gesturing in a ineffectual and adorable manner.


I read a lot online. Mostly material curated by my friends and acquaintances. Sometimes I run into a thick vein of feel-good affirmations. About the nature of happiness and how to cultivate it in your life. All of this is good and wonderful and I value those friends that bring those things to light because they really do deserve saying and sharing.

One thing does get me though, and this came up with the notion that happiness is not bound by external situations. Are you sure? I think about all the people I read who are very loving, very expressive, and very positive people… how much of that output is supported by a comfortable life? What happens if you don’t have the blessings that come with a first world existence? What if the water that surrounds you is toxic and if you drank any of it would lead to a slow agonizing death? What if you were homeless? What if you were starving? What if life arranged to punish you at every turn and you could never catch a single break? How fluffy and positive would that poor person be?

Don’t get me wrong here, I think that these people are vital and what they share is wonderful and I’m glad they do so, but, all the advice in the world, all the love and fluffy feelings and rah-rah aphorisms, when they land on the ears of someone who is struggling for the most basic things in life – how is that person supposed to react? Do they react with anger? Upset that people who are blessed with comfort feel compelled to export super-fluff are somehow not getting the big picture?

I think quite often on the poor soul who can’t scrape together a meal today, who has no reliable potable water to rely upon for survival and has no idea if someone or something will end up trying to kill or nibble on them in the night. How would they react to being told that everyone is suffused with love and true happiness is all in your mind and how you perceive and approach the world? When I imagine myself in that condition the last thing I want to hear is someone expounding on the fluffy. I’d really like something to drink, something to eat, and maybe someone to watch over me as I collapse.

It isn’t until you get to writing how you feel that you find yourself tripping over the very core reason why your political views are formed the way they are. I think it’s this, this poor soul, a nameless faceless sufferer that compels me to be a liberal. To share what I have, (with hope that we share what we have) in order to ensure that this one poor soul never has to face such an empty existence. And I think it’s this poor person that I always think about when I walk into the voting booth, and when I look upon my paycheck and note how much FICA I’m paying, just to start. It’s something I cannot understand, and probably never ever will. Why people can be so cold and unfeeling, so unimaginative that they cannot comprehend someone to be in this suffering state. I think that’s one of the core reasons why I am filled with boiling waves of rage when I hear conservatives railing against social programs. How corrupt and alien would be our world if any one of us fell through the cracks and died while others did nothing. If you want to know evil, I think that’s the core of it. Not being violent or malicious, but being indifferent to suffering. By being indifferent, in some ways you are actively collaborating with suffering itself. It makes me feel wretched.

So, getting back to where we started, the central question remains. Is happiness bound by external things? I think it most certainly can be. People should not lose sight of that.


Oh how does DC drop the ball. They’ve perpetrated a hat-trick of meh.

  1. Brightest Day was a concern at the very beginning. I remember commenting that it felt like a sleek aircraft on the tarmac slowly winding up it’s engines. There were some notable explosions that were, on reflection, where it was really at. The biggest payoff for Brightest Day was Deadman learning to live. This of course was undone at the end, of course, so even the biggest feel-good part of the event was whacked with a tire-iron and left to float around in limbo. The climax of the tale was more about stroking Alan Moore than it was about a really good story. It harkened back to elements of the DC Universe that nobody remembers and nobody values. “The Parliament of Trees” and “Swamp Thing”. That went out with disco balls in your bedroom back in the late 70’s kids. So that’s the first most painful bit of meh. Brightest Day. An investment for sure, lots of little minis to soak up the money like little sponges and a payoff that made 40 and 50 year old comic nerds happy but left the rest of us in a lurch wondering what the hell happened. Upon later reflection the entire Blackest Night/Brightest Day was really just a monumental reach-around for Alan Moore. Marvel did a zombie thing, zombies seem like such a great idea… blah blah blah. We forgave Blackest Night because it had a payoff at the end we valued, enough to forgive the obvious Alan Moore heavy petting. It wasn’t until we got shafted with Brightest Day did we discover that we had been sold. Sold to advertisers, sold to the ghost of the still living Alan Moore, and most damningly, sold to the nostalgia that DC seems to be utterly trapped in. Which of course leads us to…
  2. DC’s re-(whatever) event. They are redoing everything, killing off a raft of beloved characters, incinerating the past 75 years of comic book history all in a bid to regain what they’ve lost. Traction and relevancy. I’ve written about this before, the precipitous drop in sales, how last month was better than this, and so on and so forth. The cross-eyed procession done by both of the giant comic book houses when it comes to their events and pricetags, ie “Fear Itself is worth the money!” and “Flashpoint doesn’t have to break the bank!” point out quite clearly that we know it’s a ploy and so do they. This wouldn’t come up unless the fans were tired of $200 misadventures (cough, Brightest Day, cough). It’s bittersweet to me that they are going to do day-and-date release for both physical comic books and digital ones. I suspect that DC hit a point where the pain from poor sales drove them like a horde of disorganized Trollocs right into the sunny vale of the digital comic world. Yes, that’s right, I used a Wheel of Time metaphor, it’s apt! This re-(whatever) you want to call it feels like a clutch. It’s a back-against-the-wall move that has the metallic tang of desperation splattered all over it. “We need hip young heroes with bad attitudes and saggy pants! We need to amp up the Speed-P-Diddy-Yo factor in our stories!” And what do I have as proof for this conjecture? They eliminated the Justice Society of America. The characters, the setting, the story – all gently and transparently euthanized. Jay Garrick doesn’t go out in a Speed Force draped blaze of glory, he just evaporates in a puff of logic. Piff. All gone. Jay Garrick? Who? Yeah. Who. This isn’t the only speedster to get the short end of the stick. Our favorite Speed Force Scarecrow of course is Wally West. If you were able to put a team of DC people in a room, strap ’em down with “I Love Me” jackets and then over the PA say “WHAT ABOUT WALLY WEST?” they would all moan, their eyeballs would slide back in their heads and they would dash their brains out on the nearest wall until they all stopped moving. I’d like to think this was in any way inaccurate but we’ve seen as much, in the little taste of the ostrich-head-in-the-dirt reaction when we posed this very question to DC during C2E2. The only thing I brought to the setting were the straight jackets, the lunatic asylum, and the ultraviolence.
  3. The third bit is the upcoming Green Lantern movie. People like me, who are very fond of the Green Lantern series of comic books are beyond-thrilled that we’re going to see a live-action rendition of our beloved Lanterns. I’m even willing to put aside my urge to throw erasers at Hal Jordan for the time being (think Roger Rabbit). Of course we’re enthralled beyond all reason and enthusiastic beyond measure but I distinctly was very leery about GL hitting the silver screen. I implored the people at DC “Please, if you are going to do it, do it as best you can.” Because anything less would be a heartbreak to the Green Lantern fans who put their entire comic-book-fandom on the line for DC’s effort to cinematically monetize the Green Lanterns. I was at least initially buoyed up by the early reports that the first 15 minutes of the movie make it worthwhile, but then all my good vibes crashed when I saw the reviews of the movie from 33% Fresh. It is as I feared. It’s going to be a niche movie with a heavy blade. It’s going to make fanboys like me squeal with delight but it’s going to alienate the casual moviegoer who isn’t into comic books.

So it’s just a matter of time now. These three meh-tastic events all lined up and it really tests my affections and my loyalty to DC. I can hope for a few things. I can hope that the “Lets go stroke Alan Moore” well has dried up and we can get to some truly original storytelling instead of digging up 1975 and trying to pretend that it’s a PYT, which, if you have seen me, anything from 1975 can no longer be regarded as a PYT. How about something new DC? Something novel, something daring? Something you didn’t find floating around a pile of very old and very fally-aparty comic books from the deep past? On your current track, it seems as though this is the death-rattle before the end. That I think is the saddest thing, all of this, just falling apart. 

Most Americans Blame Wars For Federal Debt; Few Cite Tax Cuts | TPMDC

Most Americans Blame Wars For Federal Debt; Few Cite Tax Cuts | TPMDC.

It’s time to declare that we won both wars and pull our troops home. Cease all operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan and let China, Russia, and the European Union take over. They’re so hot-to-trot to wear the big-boy pants, why not let them? China has billions of people and all our money to waste on Afghanistan and Iraq. We need to concentrate on issues at home.

I can remember railing at length that these frivolous wars are going to drain our treasury and sap our collective wills and it will come down to a clear and simple choice. Do we maintain our bloated and grossly over-important military or do we have social programs? It’s going to come down to that you know. The Department of Defense versus the Social Security Administration. Americans will then have to choose which one they want more. Do we want to kill strange foreign people for fun or do we want to kill grandma and grandpa for fun? It’s a choice. Either we keep our war on and the elderly and infirm start to die off or we recall all our troops and we have a shot at keeping Americans alive and well.

One thing does strike me, does it really matter to make that choice at all? It’s really a self-solving problem. Once the US Dollar is no longer the world reserve currency, that’ll pretty much punch our collective tickets and then inflation will come and wipe out pensions and retirements, kill off a massive amount of people, and leave America an empty scarred hellscape. I’m sure our proud military servicemembers will work for no money and they can survive on pure refined patriotism. It will be a true test of an aircraft carriers pilots mettle to navigate San Diego Harbor manually without tugboats, as there won’t be any fuel oil to run them… to say nothing of the hapless Army grunts who are effectively trapped wherever they are because there isn’t any gas for their vehicles. It’s a long walk home from, well, wherever they are. When they get here, I’m sure they’ll have nothing but happy news to report. I have no doubt in my mind.

It’s just a matter of waiting really. How long before we smash our teeth out on these stupid wars? How long before we have to start deciding between War and Social Programs? There will be a lot of funerals.


When an EF10 hit DC

They say that God’s pinky is an EF5 tornado. It’s got the power to wipe away a whole city from the map. Yesterday DC Comics announced that this fall they’ll be resetting everything back to #1’s and rewriting the entire “DC Universe”. This I regard as an EF10. God isn’t satisfied with just scrubbing Keystone City off the map, he’s going after every bit that is DC.

So what does this mean? Could be good, could be bad. Nobody knows. Not even the writers know. The artists are in the dark as well. I suppose WB knows, and DC management certainly must know. Here we take a little tangent, and we hope that none of this is an emergent error! It would be something completely comic if someone misheard someone else at a WB/DC meeting and what was a lighthearted dalliance is now company direction! That it could be this way is absurd, but when a comic book company makes a 180 like this one, can you really discount any possibility?

That’s another part of it. It’s gotta be a marvelous thing sitting at the head of DC and watching everyone spinning in tight little circles as fast as they can coming up with possibilities and suppositions and blurting them out on Twitter. I’ve often thought that it would make for awesome marketing cleverness to seed a rich and passionate social network with something mind-boggling and then listening to what people are hoping for, what they are afraid of, and looking at all the outliers as the news causes certain tightly wound fans to figuratively explode all over the place. I’ve also thought about a wholly emergent marketing campaign. The company has no idea what the end-game is, nobody does. The company shocks the fans, the fans then blaze feedback to the company and the company follows a path laid out by the fans. Nobody is leading at all, there is nobody at the helm, it’s two groups dancing without anyone leading. I’ve always thought that could be exceptionally cool or utter disaster. I’m sure “Marketing” and “Business Types” have already modeled that and discovered Captain Trips at the end of it, so, whatever.

Getting back to DC and this EF10 storm that just hit it. One thing I can say is dumping history can be massively liberating. Many years ago I had my car and all it’s contents stolen in Chicago. Whoosh, gone, just like that. It left me with an odd feeling afterwards, I had lost everything, but there was a certain sense of cleanliness left over. That out of a massively unpleasant experience a nugget of pure liberation could spring out of it is marvelous to me. This could be a similar liberating thing for DC Comics. By hacking 75 years of history into kindling and setting it all on fire gives them the chance to tell new stories and free the characters from their pasts.

Who needs liberation then, when it comes to characters? Well, dumping the Hawkcritters is a great start, along with the sheer goofiness of “Power Putz” and “Shockingly Buoyant Girl” in the 45th Century! Both of those can just snap-crackle-and-pop to ash. Other characters can get some much-needed historical mopping up. Who needs a good and deep mop-job? Aquaman. The butt of jokes about a rather lame silly power set really needs to be pulled apart and reconfigured. He could shine if they draw on some cojones and fix his story to match.

For those people who bemoan a lost 75 years of history, you can always go back and relive the glory days anytime you want in the back-issues aisles of a con or your own basement. Much of comic book history is self-contained anyways and you knew that everything was malleable when you grabbed your first comic! What’s the difference between Hal Jordan resetting the entirety of existence in Zero Hour compared with this? Instead of Hal Jordan, it’s just Dan DiDio, or Geoff Johns, or since Brightest Day came along and plotzed on us all, why not just peel back the layers and show Alan Moore underneath it all, as it really is? Is what DC is doing now any less upsetting to people than Kyle Rayner, as Ion, re-igniting the Power Battery on Oa and creating a bumper-crop of new tiny-blue-guardians and then pulling a whole Book-of-Genesis-Surprise on us all by creating male and female pint-sized-guardians at the same time, only years later to have someone else write about the Zamarons, who apparently are Shaq-sized? One has to wonder how Sayd feels when she looks at a Zamaron. I’m just saying. The fact that DC changes things, creates bits and eliminates others, retcons with sheer gleeful abandon and treats time like it’s silly putty – something like this isn’t really anything worth getting upset over. They’ve done this in the past, they’ll do it again, because it’s not about some sort of romanticized tradition but just about storytelling. People accept new actors playing roles they love in soap operas all the time, this isn’t anything different from that. The characters change, the history is binned over and over, but you’ll keep on paying because the stories are compelling and frankly, that’s what you’re really paying $2.99 for. You aren’t clinging on to Adam West as Batman, so just let go and enjoy the ride!

I’ll leave you all with a great little aphorism that fits here really well “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Enjoy.

Whither LTE?

I just got a notice that Verizon is going to be expanding their LTE service in the lower peninsula of Michigan and covering Flint, Detroit, Lansing, and Grand Rapids. That Kalamazoo isn’t on that list is only sauce for the goose of course, but it’s a particular bittersweet sauce.

What’s the problem with really fast mobile broadband traffic? The problem is twofold, and it’s partially a problem with the consumer group and partially with the carrier. First, what is the consumer going to do with 5 to 12 mbps downlink and 2 to 5 mbps uplink? It comes down to applications and the speeds at which they are most well suited. Mobile data currently is composed of streaming traffic such as XM and Pandora, PIM data such as BES traffic, email, CalDAV and CardDAV traffic, and small application data such as navigation apps and other social media applications. Currently all of these applications work well on 3G networks, and moving to LTE, well, what would that get you? The applications themselves aren’t really going to benefit from the increase in network speed, but there is one network application that will benefit and that is video. Video uplink and video downlink. Much like what drove VHS development in the eighties and nineties, it is going to be pornography that will flow over these fast circuits. It’s not productivity anymore, that putters along at 3G speeds, now it’s going to be prurient content that dominates the airwaves once LTE traffic is established. This of course is a trap. The next problem is the carrier itself. LTE traffic is going to encourage people to consume more network traffic over their mobile device and porn is just the tip of the iceberg. Verizon is going to establish data caps, if they haven’t already, and this is going to be a cash cow for any carrier. If you give a busy male executive “Broadband in your pocket” then he’s going to most likely end up trying to seek out “Broads in your pocket”. They’ll be pounding down the gigabytes. After that, the only other application that is best suited for really fast networks is BitTorrent traffic. So people will be consuming porn and illegal movies on their mobile devices and generally making both a biochemical and legal mess of themselves.

Of course we can’t discount the why behind LTE. Verizon, along with all the other carriers are pressured to always enhance their services that they provide. So much like the insipid megapixel battles when digital cameras were first being developed we’ll now have a “G” battle over ever-increasing speeds. A network that is super-fast, built for porn and huge carrier bills. This has your average white male shareholders pants filling with reproductive fluids just at the thought of the profits-to-come.

So I call bullshit on LTE. It’s bullshit because it’s core application is fapping. If that’s all there is, then LTE is just that, just so much fapping. It’s bullshit because it’s a money trap for fools dumb enough to subscribe to it. Once the population gets this mobile broadband experience they are going to blithely blow right past their data caps and land smack dab in wireless-bill-bankruptcy. I can’t wait until the wife opens the bill and sees a $1600 charge for a massive use of data and ask her husband, who told her that the reason his right arm was so much bigger than his left was because of his handedness in Tennis. Of course. Sure it is. The only people who will benefit from LTE will be the carriers. They’ll be raking in the cash and laughing their way to the bank. Mark my words.

Calling out the Licensing Bullshit

A very good friend of mine on Twitter had this to say:

maybe if we all were told up front that we don’t actually own the tech we purchased, we’re just buying a license to use it, we’d be happier

And this brought up an old straw-man that I am fond to beat up every once in a while. It comes down to purchasing software or hardware from a company that hides this sneaky shit in their End User License Agreement. For much of it, you don’t even get a chance to read the EULA until you’ve opened the package and forfeited your rights to get your money back. Then you read the EULA and find out that you didn’t buy chattel, you bought a license. That you don’t own anything but the right to use whatever it is that you purchased. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows this entire affair is composed of nothing but the most rarefied load of bullshit ever perpetrated on mankind. The courts have upheld this obnoxiousness and so it’s legally binding.

So we have to swallow this pure bullshit. But what I think would be fair is to have these facts printed prominently on the box before you plunk down your hard-earned money to buy whatever it is. I’m sure it would only enhance the bottom line of the sales department if the big shiny box prominently had printed on it “By buying this box, you own a revocable license to use the contents, but you do not own the contents of this box. You cannot resell the contents or transfer it to anyone else legally.” Then whip that out on consumers and see how they react. I know I wouldn’t buy it. My work might buy it, but that’s not my money and not really my concern. Life goes on without buying something like that and these companies that insist (along with the courts that support them) that this legal bullshit is binding should starve and die when nobody buys their product. If these companies want to push products that you don’t own but only hold rights-to-a-license, then I say we should just stop buying those products outright. It used to be that if you tried that you couldn’t get anywhere or do anything, but nowadays that isn’t the case. There is a huge collection of software that exists that is licensed under the GPL. It’s all free for the taking, it costs nothing, it works arguably better than the alternatives and you don’t have to spend your hard-earned money and have nothing but a revocable license to show for it.

That’s how we progress. This “buying a license” bullshit has to stop. We can progress by starving these bullshit peddlers and encouraging and supporting the GPL. It’s enough to start a socialist revolution I say. Y’arrrrrg! 😉

Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine.

He was safer facing IED’s and Terrorists than coming home. This story just boggles my mind. The Sheriff’s Department and SWAT team fired 71 bullets, killed a veteran, detained paramedics and destroyed a family. All of this in Arizona.

So how exactly are we supposed to feel about all of this? God bless the USA? Really? Honestly? Do you feel safer as a citizen to know that a “Soldier/Hero” gets technically turned into human hamburger in front of his family? The police in this case are really quite honestly out of control. How do you punish such a transgression? It’s a crime, at least you’ve got manslaughter here, you’ve also got quite a few violations of the Bill of Rights, 4th Amendment, and by the severity of the action I’d say it pushes the buttons of Posse Comitatus. The SWAT team operated more like a military unit under siege than POLICE who are supposed to “Protect and Serve”. After reading this article I don’t feel safer, in fact, I feel revolted. I also feel slightly terrorized that something like this can happen in our country. It’s one of the many things that happen that make me want to grab people by their shoulders and shake them very hard, hoping to wake them up from their stupor. This is not supposed to happen! This is not right! But it will most likely be swept under the rug and the monsters responsible will be slapped on the wrist and get a firm tut-tut-tut and that will be it. They’ll just go on to kill more citizens and terrorize the rest of us.

And people wonder why I despise the police. Show me a good cop and I’ll show you a blood-soaked murder-fetishisizing thug.