Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond Of Each Other

I saw this news item from


“Republican House Leader Vows To Use ‘Power Of Humiliation’ To Undermine LGBT Program”

My first reaction was a knee-jerk one of course. “What is it to you?” What is it about gay people that gets these particular people all worked up? I’ve always wanted to know that. My curiosity of course is somewhat rhetorical as it’s pretty much obvious that much of this comes straight (ouch, pun) out of the pulpit and is certainly reinforced by the mirror maze of political self-convincing talk.

What would these people do if they were faced with the reality of what they say? The subject of their ire is the Mental Health Services Administration’s book titled “Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Individuals.” So, what about this document? The title is really quite plain and explanatory and being a gay man, and knowing my particular niche culture gives me a unique viewpoint on this particular issue. Is it important? Do you think that people who are sick should be cared for, that people who are despondent and without hope should be helped? What are your thoughts on suicide? This gets right to the heart of it. I bet a lot of these people are upright god-fearing Christian types, they hail from Oklahoma and there is a stereotype, lets face it, about that region being rather salt-to-the-earth and quite red when it comes to politics. Sit back and let’s think for a moment about what your self-professed lord and savior, Jesus Christ, would think about “Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Individuals.” Your lord and savior wandered around healing the sick, he never asked anyone if they were gay, lesbian, or transgendered. It just didn’t matter to him. People who cared for the sick like he did, he said, would be favored in God’s sight because they cared. Care. That’s what it really gets down to, who cares and who does not? Who hides behind a carapace of bigoted ignorance and who really cares? For these people in this meeting, all of them who didn’t stand up, who didn’t stomp their foot on the ground and argue against this – all of them – how can you face your self-professed lord and savior who you see every Sunday, nailed to a crucifix? Yes, he died to absolve you on sin, but when he was alive, when he was teaching – what was that part? Did you all miss that part? In your haste to be absolved of your sins, perhaps you missed everything up until the climax and after it was all over, you just rolled over and fell asleep?

These are valid questions that I would love answers to. I would dearly enjoy facing these people after we all march through the stations of the cross together. Jesus healing the lepers, Jesus bringing Lazarus back to life, Jesus and the children. Then turn to me, turn to a younger me, turn to any gay man, lesbian, or transgendered person and spit out that vitriol about the “Gay Agenda”.

Ma’am, yes, we do have a Gay Agenda. You caught us red-handed. Our agenda is simple. We are in pursuit of ending suffering of the people who are like us. The kids who grow up bullied and turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of being mocked for being different. Not the color of our skin, not anything patently obvious like that, but mocked for who we love. You mock us over love. How can you face Jesus Christ when you mock people for loving? Wasn’t Jesus all about Love? Isn’t that what he preached? Love each other, be good to each other, and for the love of god, stop killing each other! So, where’s the love? That’s what the agenda is. We want to save ourselves and people like us. We want to reduce the suffering, we want to catch the sad and hold them tight and tell them that they are not alone. We want to rescue people who are so alone and unhappy that all they want to do is hang, shoot themselves, or drink or take drugs until they die.

So, is this document that the Mental Health Services Administration is providing a good thing or a bad thing? What are your feelings on dead children? How about young men and women dying at their own hands? What about that? How does that stand up to your fear of some undefined pink menace coming for you and yours?

Jesus Christ My Ass.


An Open Letter to State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker

State Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker votes for bill to exempt Michigan-made guns from federal regulations |

Dear State Senator Schuitmaker,

I read the article above and I understand the political drive that stands behind your decision to pursue this action but as a concerned citizen of Kalamazoo Michigan I beg you to reconsider your actions. Regulating guns is actually part of the directive from the Second Amendment, an amendment that I know you hold very near and dear to your heart. The text of it contains this phrase “A well-regulated militia” and so, in that context we both can agree.  The state has a well-regulated militia, represented primarily by the National Guard, and all the state, county, town, and township Police. What makes Michigan-made guns so special? Do you think that somehow exempting Michigan from these regulations, which you know would never work anyways, would somehow bring jobs, money, or praise to our beleaguered state? The answer Senator is not more guns, but well-regulated militias. Well regulated militias with well-regulated guns.

Let us put talk about politics aside just briefly and discuss what I am really getting at here. How many people must be killed before guns lose their allure to you? How many perforated children must lie dead at your feet for you to consider that perhaps stricter controls on guns, and yes, gun manufacturing may be a good idea? I and the rest of the citizenry would really quite like to know. If you have not seen the news recently we have two epidemics sweeping the land. One is influenza, and the other is gun crimes. While there is little to nothing that a legislator can do about influenza, you can do something about access to guns for these criminals. Let us speak plainly here, people are broken. Your citizenry are sick. Many people have untreated and undiagnosed mental disorders which interfere with rational cognition yet these people have no problem acquiring guns and ammunition and killing other people. These are criminals, and the law does not prevent them from accessing guns.

The classic republican design for guns is rooted not in lawful behavior but actually in mutually assured destruction. Republicans would quite enjoy it if every person was armed, because then the notion of gun violence, in the republican way of thinking, would evaporate. This design may work and I admit there may be something to it worth at least thinking about, but there is one problem to this design. Some citizens are mentally ill. Would you hand a mentally ill person a weapon and expect them to rationally consider mutually assured destruction? What if they are plagued by voices or have rage control problems? What does the republican model say in that situation? It devolves into a mexican standoff, moments before a blood bath. The Republican Party has a choice. You can go either way forward from the fork of gun control or addressing the mental health crisis in America. You can’t have it both ways. Either everyone gets guns and the mentally ill are cared for or there are strict gun controls and the mentally ill are left as they are.

So, Senator Schuitmaker, as a concerned voter in Kalamazoo I ask that you please reconsider this position. You can think of any part of your constituency when you make these decisions. The potential victims, men, women, and children and the various mentally ill people who mingle amongst us. We don’t ask for gun bans, but we do ask for gun regulations and I am willing to trade damaging the economics of gun manufacturers in this state so that we do not have to endure any more headlines about a field of dead children.

Vectors Hidden In Plain Sight

virus cells
While walking back from the bathroom and sitting down in my office I looked around and noticed all the devices that I touch. We are currently witnessing a epidemic of influenza and because it’s a clear and present danger to our health I’m spending more and more time considering ways to avoid it. Obviously there are all the classic things one can do, frequent hand-washing, sanitization, Vitamin C (Placebo anyone?), Tea (Paging Dr. Placebo), supplements (Will Dr. Placebo PLEASE ANSWER THE PHONE!) and as I was sitting back considering all the ways you could acquire an active influenza virus it struck me. Much like wondering how invading Aliens were jaunting past the razorwire like it wasn’t there only to find out they were skittering along in the drop ceiling – a hidden vector of infection: Touch Devices.

Ever since Apple (and others, of course) developed tablet and phone technology in the modern sense, mostly iPads, iPhones, Nook HD’s and MacBooks people have been touching these things and not really paying much attention to what all that touching means. If you wash your hands then your hands are clean until you touch an object, then you have doubt. Did that surface that I touched harbor a virus or bacteria that could make me sick? You don’t know. Obviously life goes on merrily and has ever since these devices have been in our grubby little clutches, but still, just to think about it gave me pause. I was using the bathroom, washing my hands, then touching my iPad. Dirty, clean… dirty? I don’t know. It’s the doubt that grips me.

There is one chemical that I know will disinfect non-porous surfaces and most likely will not damage those surfaces and that’s isopropyl alcohol. So at work I have asked my S3 to follow a new protocol during these months when these viruses are on the loose and we’re in the trenches when it comes to being vectors ourselves because we touch a lot of things that others touch. So now, at work, whenever we see an iPad, an iPhone, or a MacBook we grab a microfiber cloth, wet it with alcohol and wipe down the entire surface. Each time. It’s a lot of wiping and a lot of alcohol, but what if we kill a virus that otherwise would have made the epidemic worse? Isn’t it worth the little bit of time and effort to kill a bad thing early on than have to suffer its effects once we’ve succumbed? I think so.

If you have non-porous surfaces that you touch very frequently, like we do, I strongly recommend wiping things with a rag soaked in alcohol. You may very well perform one action which could stem the tide and spare you and the people around you the danger and inconvenience of this particularly nasty influenza virus.

We’re Lousy With Superheroes

I wrote this post of Facebook just now and sometimes when I get to writing something that I really find appealing comes out while I write and it surprises me. This was a comment about Katie Couric interviewing Matthew Shepard’s mother:

 I hate that helpless feeling. Knowing that there are these crimes and that kids are killing themselves because they feel so alone and without hope. It’s the agony that sits at the center of things like the Trevor Project and “It Gets Better” project. If more people were honest about themselves and gays were more visible then maybe these kids in crisis would notice us and reach out and we could catch them and prove to them that life does get better. 

There are more people that love you and those people may not be your family, or they may be. But there are people out there who do care, all that keeps them quiet is that they don’t know they are needed. The country is full of superheroes, but they are all saddled with one tragic flaw, that they aren’t clairvoyant.

I thought it was so neat that it should go in my blog…

Blog Spam

I hate spam. I really hate it. I don’t want anything to do with Casinos, cheating lovers, or SEO bullshit. In fact, I’ve developed a very acute loathing for the phrase “SEO”. I’ve started to mentally connect “SEO Specalists” with “Used Car Salesmen”. If you are one, keep it to yourself. Don’t come and talk to me about SEO. It’s just gaming the system and it’s both corrupt and dishonest.

To that end, I went back to look at Askimet and realized that the API token that I thought was for-pay only turns out that it’s free for personal blogs. What a surprise! So I installed the Akismet plugin (I had earlier deleted it because I thought it was pay-only) and applied my API token and so far, although it’s only been a few moments, my blog is blessedly spam free.

The comments are the source of the spam. There was a post in the WordPress Community Pool regarding Twitter that got me thinking about how my readership engages with my blog. People don’t really engage in Twitter much anymore and they don’t engage in WordPress comments either. All the engagement seems to be focused on Facebook. I’m not against any of this, but I find it very fascinating. This leads me to the topic of this post, which is that blog spam in the comments on my system is even more damnable. Nobody uses the comment system but I’m loathe to disable it. So, Akismet, at least so far, is riding to the rescue.

With that, I have a great Monty Python skit to share with you all on YouTube. Enjoy!



Limited Options

Today the city of Kalamazoo will be turning off the water to a series of properties that includes my workplace. The general statement is that the water will be off from 9am to 4pm today, although of course, they will endeavor to not let it be off for any longer than it really has to be.

This event got me thinking about the topic of infrastructure. How much of the first world lifestyle is possible because of things none of us see or notice until they are gone. It’s a curse of ubiquity and constancy, everywhere you go there is running water, there has rarely ever been situations where running water was not available, so then, what happens when it’s gone? There are so many pieces to modern living that we all take for granted and in doing so we have become functionally dependent on these things. This is a savage dependency, without running water, electricity, fuel, and information services how can the average of us cope? That’s both fascinating and terrifying. To see how average folk would respond to the sudden loss of first-world fundamental services, to the failure of first-world infrastructure is a possibility to see how we can cope and the terror that will descend upon us when we find we cannot cope.

Politics touches on so much of our lives, and even here in terms of infrastructure it lumbers along. How much time and energy have we invested in our roads, in our electrical systems, our fuel delivery systems and our water systems? We used to before we spent all our money on wars, but now? Ever since the I-35W Bridge failed the nation turned at least one wary eye to the conditions of our infrastructure. How much of it is rotting away, needs maintenance, needs money. How can we function without it? Can we?

The government, through their primary readiness website has resources a-plenty, but really, how many of us are ready for any of it? At work we have fire drills and tornado-readiness drills, but what about other sorts of disasters? What about infrastructure failure drills? What do we do when we have to span a day at work without some fundamental service, such as electricity, information services, fuel, or water? That’s what has captured my attention currently.

Getting back to the topic of infrastructure, if there is failure, do the systems we have have enough robust redundancy to cope with failure and can we quickly recover function from the gaping maw of failure if it should strike? It’s clear and present, when it comes to water supply that we may be running too close to just-in-time delivery for comforts sake? What about having a large container of potable water in a gravity-fed system just in case we need it? There rarely is such a thing because the system has rarely failed and we don’t feel the need for the extra design or cost. Just because something has rarely failed does not necessarily mean it is proofed against failure.

So when will the water go out? Nobody knows. Maybe at 9, but it’s still running so I doubt that. What is our plan to cope with this loss of one part of the infrastructure? We don’t have one. We don’t need one, or do we? Nobody is really clear and instead of asking, we’re just sitting around warily looking at the sinks and wondering if it will work, and if it doesn’t, where are we going to go when we need to use the bathrooms? Good questions, all.

Two Kinds Of Law

I’ve lived my life under a really useful expression. “Do not invite Vampires or Policemen into your home.” mostly because you just cannot trust a cop. They are supposed to protect and serve, at least that’s what it says on paper but everyone has seen instance after instance where the police abuse their powers granted to them by the people to do everything from simple infractions or derelictions of duty all the way up to what could be argued as murder. It runs the gamut, between the cop who turns on his sirens and lights to zoom through an intersection just so he can get to the donut shop because he’s got a dire craving to the cop that beats a retarded man nearly to death with a baton.

We don’t get that kind of action so much here in the delightful little town of Kalamazoo. By and large I’d say the cops are more an ever-present miasma than they are a downright menace. It’s a little town with a lot of police. You’ve got Michigan State Cops, you have Kalamazoo City Cops, you have County Sheriffs, and you have Kalamazoo Township Cops. Their spheres of influence are a messy geographic venn diagram and so because you don’t really get who does what, you just shrug and go about living your life.

Everything is just fine until you witness a cop breaking the law. Now I have to say that there are some situations where the law bends for a cop, like in an emergency the speed limit doesn’t matter and this post isn’t about that sort of thing. This post is about what happens when a cop, probably without thought, does something that is patently illegal – and you catch him at it.

Video says so much… so here we go. Officer Friendly driving 082 X 046 did something wrong:

[jwplayer mediaid=”2272″]

Yes, this is a very small infraction and lots of people do it all the time, I get that. But what irks me is when those who are set above us to “enforce the law” do not do so themselves. After looking up this particular naughty I came across this, which I sort of want to put on a ticket and attach to the cops car:

Negligent use of a motor vehicle – Prosecutable
Unattended – engine running or brake not set
Driver not in proper control of vehicle

Anyhow, I just took the video principally for lulz, but still, it is worth talking about. Who is above the law and who isn’t, and what those who aren’t do when they find out that the ones who are, aren’t.

Brightness Knob

The oddest memories come bubbling up to the surface when you least expect them. While I was brushing my teeth, quite out of the blue, mind you, I recalled a pair of personal experiences that I’ve never shared before. The first memory was when I was in middle school. The assignment was to write a paper on something historical and I chose Hitler, the Halocaust, and I used a complicated word because at the time it fit with the theme of what I was writing about. The word was “schizophrenic” but what really was a surprise to me was the teacher at the time, who I don’t really remember beyond being rather older and probably a sports coach more than a teacher picked my paper to read to the class. I think, as I remember it, he was trying to shame me or belittle me in front of my classmates by singling me out and demonstrating a poorly written paper. I sat back and took it and chuckled to myself, inside my head when he got to that big word and couldn’t pronounce it. My argument was cogent and valid and I was supposed to feel bad because I didn’t use real words in my writing. I think it was this first thing that struck me, that first real strong signal that adults were really full of shit. I was a kid, he was a teacher, so that was that, but it stayed with me. The whole part where I was supposed to feel chagrined but actually what I felt was pity for this older man, that he struggled and stumbled over this one word and since he didn’t understand it, that I obviously just made it up.

This memory carried a very particular emotion with it, which called out to another memory which came on the first one’s heels. I remember I was on a bus, I was in my mid-teens, and I was going on some sort of class field trip. I brought along a book I was reading, which just happened to be Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time”. I was making quite a bit of progress reading the book and I was minding my own business when the teacher, a different one from the first in this story, chatted me up. He was curious about the book I was reading and he asked me how much of it I understood. I was taken aback by this as I figured that everyone who wanted to read this book could progress through its contents without too much trouble. That if you were curious about Stephen Hawking, you’d likely have some background ideas about what you were getting into and that anyone in that state could manage just fine. Then the teacher told me that the book I was reading was beyond him. I closed the book and put it away and left it like that until I got home. I felt strange that I was working through a book that a teacher confessed he couldn’t even think of tackling.

It may have been these things, and just life in general as I grew up that I realized that for some, people like me, a little bit at least, just had to go through the motions before I could do things I wanted to do, things I wanted to study, and the only person I had to impress with my wit and intelligence was myself. I kept to myself in grade school, middle school, and high school. I was never included and it was just part of what had to be. It was unpleasant but I knew that it was terminal. The unpleasant students that surrounded me, the unpleasant (except not all of them) teachers, and in general the entire situation was something that I just had to endure.

I used to think that school was a trial by fire and that all kids had to walk the same path. As I grow older I see things with a more mature perspective and I feel now that it was needlessly awful. So much of my potential was ignored or belittled, and I knew I was right and these adults were fools. There is no reason to weep over spilled milk, but now, when I see such brightness in kids I want to stop and clear a space for them to explore and think and blossom in a way that the rigid structure I was in never had room to allow. But these aren’t my kids and I don’t have a place or the power to effect the real change that my impetus calls for. One thing I will take from these memories is a respect for some young kids, that they can wrap their minds around really complicated ideas and to always be vigilant when evaluating the intellectual passion of others. Just because you don’t know a thing doesn’t mean someone who is *supposed* to be a learner and has a firmer grip on things than the teacher should be made to feel small, wrong, or awkward. Kids that carry around books that are, let’s say, atypical, really should get more focus and more to work on.

Just because someone is young and perhaps foolish doesn’t mean they aren’t bright. Sometimes people you never expect shine brightest of all.

Measure of Civilization

I have determined that there is a minimum measure for whether or not you are part of civilization or if you are a filthy barbarian.

This is in your house if you are civilized:


And if you are a filthy uneducated barbarian:


As you can see, the differences are both subtle yet strangely profound. If you select this one thing incorrectly, you should be ashamed.

Now you know…

The War on Drugs

A few years ago, at work, someone incinerated a surprisingly large amount of cannabis sativa behind our building. It was early summer and we had the window to the office open. At first I didn’t know what the hell the stench was, but it wasn’t strong enough for me close the window because my office was stuffy and I really wanted some fresh air, even if it had a little nasty garbage smell laced in it. I didn’t give it any thought, really, until all of a sudden I had older coworkers visiting me and just standing in the doorway. It wasn’t too long that I put the awful smell together with these people just standing there, huffing away. Then as more management types came filtering in it struck me – I am the successful result of the war on drugs. I had no idea what was going on, but the older folk, the ones that lived through the 60’s and 70’s, hah, they were there in force. They were just standing in a tight little group, in my doorway to my office, blocking my path to get my work done, huffing away.

I’ve never really been all that keen on changing my consciousness with drugs. Never really sought out anything beyond perhaps a wee addiction to caffeine and when I got older, an affection for alcohol. Even going through college, where drugs were in abundant supply, I simply wasn’t interested. Life was complicated enough. However this event at work did get me to thinking about what I missed out on. Was there something worth my curiosity?

I know there isn’t anything there. I can answer my own curiosity with what I know already. Nothing is free in life, if you are given something for free, then you are the product. This works for online bits (like Facebook and Twitter) as well as for the more seemly bits, like drug use. The first hit of whatever it is is free, that’s to get you used to it and to enjoy it, and eventually to crave it and become addicted to it. That’s my problem, I’ve got a good idea about what drugs would do to my brain if I let them. Whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter, eventually blows out one homeostatic chemical balance system or another, leaving you with bad skin, rotten teeth, a burnt-out libido, and at the end of everything, a shorter life. The candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long.

But this is just my part of it, what about these others? It’s truly an awkward situation when people who are supposed to be upstanding folk turn out to not be. Some people are quite cavalier about their past drug use, as if none of it was a crime. You hear them mumbling on about using cannabis, or cocaine, or heroin – whatever it is – and everyone laughs and smiles and secretly accepts it as perfectly fine. It’s truly an American thing, this duality between wanting to be seen as puritanical versus privately being just as grubby, if not more so, than everyone else in the world. I don’t get on people for what they do to their bodies as long as they keep it to themselves. As a child of the war on drugs, and I do understand about statutes of limitations, but a crime is a crime. It’s one thing to confess that you committed a crime and quite something else when you do so for applause. That gets me really bent out of shape. If abusing drugs is a criminal offense then let it be that. If someone who abused drugs uses their past as a joke to get a laugh, then the people laughing have to take a long hard look at the reasons why they are laughing. Perhaps if you clap and laugh and perhaps, just dwell in a certain doorway and huff along remembering your criminal past, perhaps it is time to decriminalize drug abuse.

This is what the war on drugs has taught me. That we really want it to be over, we all secretly want drugs to be not-illegal, and we don’t really care when someone abuses drugs. We just need to get over this whole wanting to appear pure thing that we, as a country, have this complex over. This particular thing, wanting to appear one way but secretly being something vastly (if not diametrically opposite of) to others. We want to be chaste, we want to be monogamous, we want to be drug free. What do we do? We screw around, cheat, steal, lie, and drop whatever we like whenever we like it.

I would be fine if it was one way or the other, but not both. The American mirror as one too many faces.