C2E2: Movies EVERYONE Disagrees With You On

This movie panel is jammed packed. It’s a Q&A and the fans flocked to the open Mic. Like half the room got up and went to stand in line.

1941, X-Men: The Last Stand, Spiderman 3, La La Land, Thor Ragnarok, Santa Claus : The Movie, Oceans 11, You Dont Mess With The Zohan, Logan, Alien 3, Fantastic Four, Where The Wild Things Are, Greatest Showman, Batman v Superman, Murder Party, Lion King, Up, Hudson Hawk.

Lots of groans, hilarious!

Giveaway Messaging

The Hyatt could give any newspaper away for free. This is what they chose:

Not the USA Today or the Times or even the Chicago Tribune. No. The Wall Street Urinal.

That’s targeted and meaningful. No. This is Chicago. Not New York. And even still, if it was New York, then it should be the Times anyways! Not this toilet paper rag. Tsk tsk tsk.

C2E2 Convention

The time is right again, the stars are in alignment and the Great Lake has receded to reveal the Convention Center of the Old Ones, the Display Space of the Insane Damned, McCormick Place in Chicago Illinois! Tentacle monsters, inexplicable seaweed tresses, and the definite sense that maybe Jim Butcher used the entire building as inspiration for the Harry Dresden stories.

We have purchased snack foods and purified water supplies. Healthy snacks with an eye to fiber and protein that we can carry with us on our travels without having to purchase an $8 cuppa coffee or a $17 hot dog or a $25 dollar slice of microwaved pizza. We can sit down and enjoy our snacks in the places reserved for buying patrons and enjoy when frustrated concessioners make their precious frowny faces at us as we enjoy our own treats.

I probably have enough for a two week adventure, and that’s okay. It’s all shelf stable and not going anywhere, and it’s all good for me anyhow, so I can drag anything to work and use it to battle low blood sugar hangries.

The cat sitter is set. I have to get a few more cans of food for Ysy, that’s tomorrow during lunch. Then we will be off for a cavalcade of sitting and watching and enjoying as geeks, dorks, and nerds celebrate pop culture, comic books, and social and economic planetary domination over the uninteresting residuals of the species.

We’re all judging you. With our little plastic wrapped booklets of artwork and our little trollies full of collectibles worth more than your entire educational experiences combined. Then we’ll store all of it in perfectly airless preservation solutions until we remember much later that we have any of it and how much is stacked up…?

And we will laugh, privately, and amusingly while the residuals go out to buy diapers and formula.

Facebook Security

I haven’t logged into Facebook in quite a while and I’ve been doing bits and bloops around the network, like connecting MOD Pizza to my FB account and vastly lower interaction metrics. The Facebook security watchdog noticed!

So they locked me out. I could get back in if I could identify my friends in a quiz format. Fine. Took the quiz, passed. Account password changed and updated.

Hilarious. Facebook is like herpes. I hardly miss the cold sores.

Amazon and GIGO

I tried to buy a 1.3oz tin of Reuzel Beard Balm from Amazon. Twice they shipped me Blue Pomade. Why?

Because Amazon has a GIGO problem. Check out this snapshot I just took. The wrong one is on the left, the right one is on the right. Look! At! The! Labels!

Amazon will always error out here because they have totally mislabeled the entire stack supply at distribution! So anyone who orders this will get the wrong thing. Thankfully my barber will trade one for the other, so it’s fine. Honestly I should just buy it from my barber. Lesson learned.

Stupid dullard Amazon. You done fucked up now. Morons.

Wrong Again Amazon


So, Amazon shipped my Reuzel Beard Balm and… WRONG AGAIN IN THE SAME WAY. So instead of sending out another tin which is wrong, they want me to ship it back. LOL. Fucking Amazon, man. And this is the dark side of Jeff Bezos’s company. Top notch work you fucking dullards.

New York City Boy


Tonight’s dreams were sponsored by a blend of La La Land, a free ranging musical where strange behavior and boundless physical endurance meet a totally romanticized New York City where there is traffic where traffic is romantic and piers providing perfect picturesque vistas of the cityscape that obviously do not exist. Complete with the background orchestra that provides the structure for the dancing, running, and singing. And nobody is a fat tubby bitch who runs out of gas in the first ten minutes and can’t get past midtown without an oxygen tank and a blintz. Oy Gevalt.

That Is Different


I heard a loud thump outside and I sprang to check the CX-5. Nothing wrong. But then I happened to notice my neighbor with a unique posture. He was between his house and his garbage trundle. Hands down, centered, with the look of bladder relaxation that all men get. And then he shook himself off and got in his car and drove off. His house, he can pee on it if he wants to. I suspect he may not be a family man. LOL.