Encrypted Time Machine Drive Botch in Mac OSX 10.8.2 Mountain Lion

We had a Firewire 800 drive botch when it came to whole-volume encryption in Mac OSX 10.8.2 Mountain Lion. We lost the password and couldn’t recover it. The drive refused to erase, all the options were grayed out. I refuse to believe that a software change can render hardware junk, so there had to be a way, and I found it. Here’s the procedure:

  • Attach botched drive to computer, since the password won’t work, cancel the unlock dialog box
  • Open Terminal
  • Enter command: diskutil CoreStorage list
  • You will get a long list, you are looking for the UUID of the “Logical Volume Group” at the very top of the list, for the drive that is affected.
  • Enter command: diskutil CoreStorage delete [UUID]
  • The system will eject the volumes, destroy the grouping, erase the disk, then initialize the disk, mount it and finish.
  • Done!

PAD March 10, 2013 – Playlist

*Tell us how your week went by putting together a playlist of five songs that represent it.*

Thanks to Last.fm, this is going to be a cakewalk. Sometimes I think that my workplace is ruled over by “Lux Aeterna” from Requiem for a Dream. That was definitely a good theme for last week. After that, “Eye In The Sky” by the Alan Parsons Project. Next, “Lets Have A Kiki” by the Scissor Sisters and then rounded out by Billy Joel’s “Allentown” and Gershwin’s “Rhapsody In Blue”.

While I’ve been on my blogging bender this weekend I’ve been writing on my iPad and it’s been playing Spotify’s Classical Radio station. I find writing to classical to be the best experience when I am writing. Plus the iPad (with Drafts!) makes the entire experience all that easier since it’s so light and portable and the bluetooth connected keyboard helps me bridge that gap. I can set up my iPad and type along, listening to music all from one device. No laptop to haul around, just a slim neat iPad with nearly all the tools I need to write. The only thing that the iPad lacks and this is something that irks me, is an “After The Deadline” spell and grammar checking app. I looked and couldn’t find anything so I just spend that much more time in WordPress because they’ve got a working implementation of After The Deadline in the WordPress editor online. It’s not elegant, not by a longshot, but there it is.

Very Far Around Robin Hoods Barn

Oh the lengths you’ll go to include services such as Google+ that by design do not readily make themselves available for such things! First I had to find a way to link my Google+ profile to my Google Voice number, all to get a magic email address which I can only send using Google Mail so that the email will automatically end up on my Google+ profile. That part is done, then I went over to IFTTT.com and investigated how that might work. So I uncorked the WordPress channel and set it to watch this blog for new entries, when it sees one, it should collect all the details and then send those using my Gmail account to my Google+ magic email address. Now lets see if the damn thing works. 🙂

TL;DR: Now I have a way to publicize on Google+ from WordPress automatically.


PAD March 9 2013 – VIP

*Who’s the most important person in your life — and how would your day-to-day existence be different without them?*

Scott is the most important person in my life. Being my life partner means exactly that. Life. Partner. Best lived together. Where would I be without him? I can’t say. I definitely would be lonelier and sadder and probably less passionate about things in general without him. I look across the way at our two valentines day cards standing on the coffee table in the living room and seeing them together in a way is how I see us together. We belong together, we’re in love, what’s more to say?

PAD 3/6/2013 – All Grown Up

When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

For me there is a split in the definition of what it is to be a “grown up”. There are actually two tracks. The first one, where you do “grown up things” happened for me when I learned to drive a car. That was the first time.

What’s more interesting to me is the other definition of being a “grown up” which is to say, acting like what I thought was a “grown up” when I was a kid. Getting older I have revised this viewpoint quite a number of times. Working with people who pose as “grown ups” has shown me the truth of the matter, that nobody really does grow up. We change attire, yes, but we never really stop living in our past and conducting ourselves in that way. It’s in the examples that people provide that I find the most telling. Shirking responsibilities, being fair-weather friends, lying poorly for stupid reasons and generally just being a dick to other people because why should you change, why should you be better than that? Indeed. So, I posit that there are few “grown ups” in the world and that we’re all very much the same petulant temper-tantrum throwing children we were years and years ago. Getting older doesn’t mean we “grow up”, at least not necessarily.

I suppose after thinking about it, there is a third part to being “grown up” and that is the dying a little bit and slowly turning into an autumn person. Letting banality, habit, and incuriosity drain the bright cleverness out of you. Giving up. Mostly in terms of idealism, hopes, dreams, and wishes – watching them all dry up, curl into a ball and roll away in the hot dry wind of getting older. I hope I never get to this point. I have often times said to the people who care for me that there are conditions in which if I find myself in them, I must be put down. This is really the apex of that conditional command. I can’t imagine living a life where there is nothing new. Nothing to dream about. Nothing to hope for. Letting life just wander away. To me, that’s worse than death. It’s death while you are still alive. It should fill everyone with dread, however I see people who are riddled with this awfulness every day.

So, one of the three definitions of being a ‘grown up’? I suppose I am not one. I do not wish to be one, at least not like that. I will always be curious. I will always be idealistic. I will always embrace foolishness for that is life.

PAD 2/2/13 – Think Global, Act Local

“”Think global, act local.” Write a post connecting a global issue to a personal one.”

This platitude is something you hear bandied about by people trying to pose as activists in the first world. They use this phrase too much to try to sway people who are really not interested in changing what they are doing. Life is comfortable in the way we are living it, imposing our comforts on the entire world is actually what is working to damage it. We hop in our cars which is damaging the climate. We pay taxes to a government that is besotted with war, so in that way, we are washing our hands in a fountain of blood. We are against cruelty to animals but eat agricorp chicken, beef, and pork. The fact that we are cruel to the ugly animals and kind to the cute ones is a hilarious batch of double-think.

We think that by imposing our will on the world, a world that doesn’t share our cultural background or our religion or customs is somehow not going to end in a blaze of destruction and ill-will returned to us in spades? It would be far better to let the world develop all by itself without the mighty hand of the American Empire. We can handily defend our borders, Canada is affectionately inert and Mexico has been providing us with slave labor for so very long that we should actually be sending them little thank you cards. Illegal immigration is the pot calling the kettle black. All we need to do is defend our waters and leave the rest of the world to fend for itself.

This isolationist policy spits in the face of globalism and it doesn’t matter if you are for it or against it, it’s going to be the only option left to us very soon. How much money does it take to fund American interventionism across the planet? How much money do we spend on our bullshit wars? We defend places that no longer hold interest for us. We defend Japan, the Philippines, Germany, the DMZ in Korea. We perpetrate a hopeless war of irrelevant stupidity in Iraq and Afghanistan against foes that may or may not be there. It doesn’t matter what your politics are, what you think is right or wrong to do in a time of war. Eventually we will just RUN OUT OF MONEY and then what? What happens when there is nothing left, no more money to be had. When our debts overwhelm us? Will we die by the sword or by trillions of tiny little paper cuts? It’s folly to think that we can buck the trend that has been established for thousands upon thousands of years. Empires come and go and they last for about 250 years before they start to erode away. America is 237 years old. We’ve got 13 good years left to us, and we’ll be slated to die of natural causes in 2026. We can of course kick the can down the road, but to do so we will need to stop being foolish with money. For as long as America has existed, we’ve been at war almost constantly. What has it gotten us? A broken world that resents us. We will eventually run out of money which will mean we will have to abandon our designs on “The New American Century” and give up aspirations on an eternal American Empire. It’s just not going to happen. It would be better to admit this sooner rather than later. Dispose of war, leave these regions for good and let the people there sort out their own affairs. Leave Korea for the Chinese and Japanese to puzzle out. Germany and the Philippines no longer require our presence, they are doing just as well without us as with us. Call back all our overseas troops and concentrate our budgets on matters of home and hearth.

Either we can do this sooner, when it’s comfortable for us to do so, or we could wait and then run out of money. I’m sure our military will continue to serve as proud Americans after their paychecks stop coming. It’ll be really quite nasty when we can’t send food to them and they have to start fending for themselves. Alas, that’s the choice we have before us. Either we can retract or we can let what we’ve sent abroad starve. It’s just a matter of time.

PAD 2/26/2013 – Happily Ever After

“And they lived happily ever after.” Think about this line for a few minutes. Are you living happily ever after? If not, what will it take for you to get there?


Live happily ever after now. Actually don’t. Life doesn’t work that way. The phrase “And they lived happily ever after” denies that there is any more story for them, nothing more is to be told about them so in a lot of ways, this is more of a curse than something you should end a story with. Better to end it with something like “And they had many more adventures, thrills, spills, happiness and sorrow. But that is a tale for another time.” instead.

There is a kind of odd finality to “And they lived happily ever after.” as if all their troubles were encompassed by this one event in their lives and after that, it was clear sailing. There never is clear sailing. That’s what life is and it’s far better to teach children that life is full of tumult. Convincing them that life proceeds in the way that “And they lived happily ever after” sets them up for one of life’s biggest disappointments.

I also question the notion that happiness is something that is coming down the pike. It’s a goal? Really? Why can’t happiness be a variable state that you can give yourself permission to feel right now? Declare that you are happy. Voilá! You’re done! I see this over and over again and it bothers me. People get it in their heads that they have to pursue happiness, they have to chase it like it was something to be hunted down. What would happen if you lived your life with the notion that you could simply assert happiness, find it materialize in your hands, and pretend you caught it? Pursue is the wrong word and “happily ever after” is the wrong tense! Happily now. Happy now. Happy now and always.

That’s better.

PAD 1/13/2013 – Room of the Amnesiac

“Explore the room you’re in as if you’re seeing it for the first time. Pretend you know nothing. What do you see? Who is the person who lives there?”

I see a room designed to sit and read, nap, or idly daydream out of the giant picture window across the room. There is a lot of glasswork, art, and the tables are cluttered with knick-knacks that certainly mean something to the people who placed them there. There are some cards on the nearby coffee table, they are Valentines Day Cards, the people who live here are obviously in love with each other. There are two large delft-style floor pillows arrayed on the floor sprinkled with cat hair, so two very spoiled felines must live here.

Thank god we cleaned this room. 🙂

PAD 3/5/2013 – Perspective

Write about the last disagreement you had with a friend or family member — from their perspective. 

The last real disagreement I had was with someone I’ve wanted to not have these disagreements with but find myself utterly incapable of avoiding. In their perspective I am just too young and too idealistic, too liberal, too bleeding heart for my own good and if I would just listen I would see how rational and logical the other side is and agree.

But I just can’t. Instead of perpetuating the discord I told him that I was willing to talk about any subject but that one. That I am done. In fact, I’m tired of politics in general. Talking to anyone else about politics is an exercise in monologue delivery. Nobody is listening, nobody wants to listen. So firmly entrenched and really, when it comes down to it, who am I to suggest it be any other way? Life is comfortable in the way that it has come to be. Railing against a comfortable life is disrespectful and fruitless.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that arguments are stupid. If there is a disagreement, it’s best to cease discussions and avoid the subject in the future. When it comes up, change subjects. If it’s unavoidable, fake either a medical emergency or configure your phone to go off and fake another kind of emergency. People are far too interested in trolling and getting a rise out of others for their jollies than taking anyone else seriously. Avoid politics, religion, and the climate. Everything else doesn’t matter and doesn’t end up as fodder for arguments. There are some questions posed to anyone that are ticking time bombs. Things like “What do you think of Abortion?” Those kinds of questions, if they ever come up should be a clear signal to anyone who wishes to save their own hide to flee as fast and as far away from that particular ground zero as you can possibly get. If you have to throw yourself out the window, then by all means, prepare for a drop.

Another thing that I’ve learned is that even if you can’t escape, even if you can’t fake a seizure or a stroke, if your phone can’t get you out of the briar-patch that you’ve found yourself stuck in, there is always glorious liquor. Find something around 80 proof and let it carry you away. Nothing beats alcoholism when you are trapped with no way to escape. They may have your body, but they won’t ever have your alcohol-addled mind.