Frozen Oranges

I smile when I see reports of 36 degrees in Miami Florida. My pleasure is manifold, first hit is on the smug southerners who pridefully proclaim that “It never gets that cold here! Nyah Nyah!”, well, now it does. The second pleasure is for the snowbirds, you seriously thought you could outrun it?

The main pleasure comes in a kind of satisfaction regarding climate change. Sure, global warming is definitely a chapter title in this book we’re currently reading out of, but this is just a mild little precursor, a microscopic fluctuation, the prologue so to speak. As the climate changes, the weather patterns will change. Global warming is coming and it’s making some places warmer and other places colder. This year is an El Nino year, with the North American weather pattern being dictated by the blotch of warm Pacific Ocean water and I believe it to be the principal driving factor behind this years minty-fresh winter. Even with El Nino, you can’t easily dismiss a low-temperature record that was broken since 1927. It may be El Nino, but you can almost catch a whiff of something else out there, a little something extra riding on top of the natural variation. Only time will tell what global warming will do to the North American weather pattern. Maybe it will make everything stronger – hotter summers and colder winters, or maybe instead it will muck about with the seasons, Spring and Fall starting and stopping at different times.

On Facebook I mused that our planet is in a constant state of trying to find the perfect balance. I don’t see anything that disproves that idea. There is something deeply satisfying however in the notion that humanity, through it’s own shortsightedness and resistance to change forced our own planet to seek out a new balance, one that doesn’t have our desires in mind. A kind of species schadenfreude, and the joke is only now starting to unfold. True hilarity will take another hundred years to suss out, to quote a favorite movie, “This is all far from over…”

OmmWriter & Meditation

While I was in Minnesota visiting family I found myself laying in bed with my thoughts racing around a mile-a-minute and I’d toss and turn and couldn’t find that quietness to really begin sleeping. I suppose there is a difference between just being motionless and truly being asleep. I was motionless.

I tried to relax. I tried some procedures that one would classically attach to meditation, specifically relaxing and quieting the mind. As I lay there my mind was a ship on a roiling ocean. Every once in a while a stray thought or a memory would break the surface like a marlin or a swordfish on the end of a line. I thought it would be interesting to inventory those thoughts and see if they lead anywhere or meant anything.

This is where Ommwriter comes in. This neat app for my Mac machines creates a quiet, nearly idyllic place to collect ones thoughts and write. It would be a great tool to use, so what I plan to do is to reserve some time and attempt to meditate and as the thoughts come up, I’m going to write them down. It only seems natural that if I’m going to write them down I might as well include them on this new journal. To that end I’ll be creating new tags and categories to suit this little project of mine. Maybe it’s just noise, maybe it’s something more. Only time will tell.

Moving back to Blogging…

I suppose it started when LiveJournal, the journal I used to use was sold to a russian company. SixApart couldn’t hack it anymore and sold out – about that same time Facebook and Twitter were starting to garner some real attention and I couldn’t justify writing on LJ anymore, few people remained. It was a lot like IRC. Once everyone left, it went by the wayside.

Oh how times have changed. Everything that is old is new again. Twitter’s limit for 140 characters is certainly perfect for their design but sometimes my thoughts and, lets face it, my ranting and raving takes more than just 140 characters. Sometimes it takes a heapload of characters for me to express myself completely. Facebook could have been a blogging platform, but there is no way AFAIK to write a “Note” and then share that with anyone you like. Perhaps they’ll work on that, in the mean time I can work with WordPress.

I’m not expecting a readership, mostly it’s a vent for me to express things that otherwise would get bottled up inside. I imagine a fair amount of this blog will pertain to my job, higher education in general, politics, weather, as well as my odd beliefs and faiths. A secular humanist-deist. If you like what you read, I invite you to continue. Be prepared however, for these things:

  • More Left and Liberal than most people
  • Critical – Both for Gadgets, Companies, My Workplace, <grin> Everything.
  • Passionate – I’m outspoken, I don’t hide my feelings and I share compulsively.
  • Purposeful – I know what my purpose is in life, I’m not guessing, I’m not fumbling.
  • Technical – I’m a Geek. I’m a Morlock. I hunt Eloi for sport. Tech is a passion.
  • Gay – Gloriously Gay. While my sex life isn’t on display usually, I am what I am.
  • Angry – I get angry a lot. I share that anger, a lot. If you don’t like it, don’t read.

So here we are, a blog again. A personal journal again. I have HTML from my old LiveJournal blog, over time I might dredge some of that back up again, we’ll see.

So be it, Jedi.