Dell Exec: The iPad Is Too ‘Shiny’ For Business | Cult of Mac.
I read this article and found myself agreeing wholeheartedly. Here where I work we’ve got many iOS devices and they are all working quite well. That Dell has the temerity to criticize iOS devices in the enterprise setting really strikes me as sour grapes that their stupid Streak tablet failed to catch hold. Then again, it was trying to use Windows on a tablet, which I can pretty much guarantee is going to flame out before it even gets going.
The article states that the fellow from Dell Australia went so far as to claim that it would put a burden on the IT infrastructure. I call bullshit on that. I’ve been working with a gaggle of iPhones and iPads and frankly, I’ve never had one person come to me seeking support for their iPads, mostly because the devices are built that well. Now perhaps they are all quietly suffering in silence, but I think it has more to do with how well the devices are constructed and how integrated the entire experience is. The hardware and the OS work so tightly with each other that there is little room for bugs to rear their ugly heads.
When it comes to the newest devices, i could have to mention that the best thing to have these days is an Apple iPad. This is extremely awesome and offers a lot of function.