Last night, on the way back from Chicago we started to talk about the littered Democratic landscape, who was running and who each of us liked. The candidate docket feels like Santa’s List, it just spills on and on and on. Warren, Biden, Beto, Bernie. I have thoughts on all of them, but knew next to nothing about Pete Buttigieg. That was until this morning. I read some more, found a subreddit for him, and watched a clip of him interact with Al Sharpton. I could give or take Al Sharpton, but what the clip contained had enough substance to move me.
I still don’t know who I want for the Democratic candidate, but Pete Buttigieg is climbing the charts.
What I want to see is an interview between him and Rachel Maddow. I respect and trust Rachel to ask really good questions and help us all discover more about this candidate. It’s just a matter of time.