LiveJournal from 4/25/2002
It’s a sunny april day and I’ve decided to take today off sick, primarily because I haven’t been sleeping well as of late and secondarily because today looks to be so great outside and I think I deserve the little break.
Last night a monstrous cold front moved through the area very quickly which brought with it some massive winds, up in the range of 40mph and up. Evidently these winds were strong enough that when I went to go pick up Scott at work last night at 11:45pm I found myself driving down Westnedge Avenue on a city block that had no power running into it. It was such a surreal experience that I felt compelled to write about it today here in the journal. It was a strange feeling, driving into a zone of darkness left the impression of nothing new but rather the new feeling of something absent. It was ephemeral, like something just oozing out the side of consciousness, the feeling was fleeting and spry but if you tried to ignore it it would dash back in front of you and play around. All of the buildings looked so terribly strange, as if by extinguishing all the light they became the true empty shells that they really were. This lead me to the idea that all the attendant lights, the floodlamps, the little nightlights and the perpetual glow from fluorescent tubes all created this kind of fuzzy zone of intended purpose, that these buildings could spring back to life at the flick of a switch. Instead what I saw and felt was rather a nagging impression that these buildings would never be lit again, or at least they never would be lit in the same way as before now that I saw them robbed of their background personalities and exposed for what they are, cinderblock loneliness covered in plastic and asphalt.