From six to seven this morning I had one of the deepest most memorable dreams I’ve had in a very long time. I was with Scott and several other friends and we were in London, England visiting as tourists. I don’t remember arriving, but the first thing I did remember was being in a suit having dinner with someone of importance. Like with many of my dreams sometimes they are multi-threaded and contain two realities at once. The other reality was me in London at an old theater of some type, and that setting was blending in with the “Old Big House” setting that frequently occupies a lot of my dreams. Elements of both blending together. As I was walking into the Theater/Big Old House everything shifted and I was in the Long Big House, which is even more established than the Big Old House is in my dream lexicon. So in this setting I slipped into bed with a rather flimsy blanket on and the room was filled with strangers who were, ahem, exceptionally friendly, and then somehow I put it together that they were the acting troupe in the theater. I had to use the bathroom, in the dream, and so I walked down the steps (apparently it was a stadium-style theater) and out to the bathrooms. I met up with Scott and suddenly we couldn’t locate the bathrooms. Once we were out of the theater bouncers appeared at the doors and wouldn’t let us return. I was telling Scott about these people I met inside the theater and right when he was going to comment, I lifted my head off the table, as I was back in the first reality. Scott and my friends were gone and I was still in my suit, lifting my head off the table it felt like I had either passed out from too much alcohol or I had simply gone to sleep and just woken up. With a start I stood up and started to walk away from the dinner-setting area and then I was in raggedy street clothes and I was with a young woman. I didn’t know her but I knew she was in the same condition I was in. We were both Americans in London, England, utterly lost and cut off from our friends and in a situation we had no anchor in. I was walking and thinking to myself “I wonder who I’ll meet, now that I’m lost, I could meet anyone” and I watched people as they shuffled by. Eventually I followed a group of people and the girl onto a bus. It was a strange bus, the seats were plush and overstuffed and rotated on a pinion, they could either face to the back of the bus or the front. The girl was sitting in the front row by the driver and I was several rows back. We were driving along and another common dream trope hit me, the “being stuck on the bus” trope, which almost always either happens in Buffalo or somewhere in Europe. So I was on this bus and out of the blue the girl asks the driver if he can drive to the US Embassy. He grunts and assents to her request. I come to out of my reverie and as we approach the US Embassy. The sky, which was not noticed before suddenly is, and it’s the slate-gray drizzling kind of sky that you see sometimes when it rains slowly and interminably. We arrive at the US Embassy and the bus drives off. The US Embassy resembles an old Greyhound Bus Terminal, with the used-too-hard plastic and metal-frame chairs running along the wall. We’re sitting and I look for anything to contact Scott or my other friends and there isn’t anything at all. I get up from my seat and go exploring the building and after I walk out of the waiting room I wander into a kitchen, tile floors, marble countertops, an empty wine refrigerator, it seemed like someone was just about to move in. I look for a phone or some device to send a message and I get the feeling I’m being watched. I return to the waiting room and sit down and a woman in a very tight pantsuit, with a very tight face puts a travel alarm clock next to me and says I can use that to communicate with my friends. I start looking at it and it’s all black without any buttons, just a continuous shiny lump of black plastic. Then I wake up.