Just finished a phone consultation with our vet in regards to our youngest male cat, Griffin’s odd behavior. We put him on a 14 day series of Zeniquin antibiotic and that helped him out, and yesterday I noticed we’re starting to see a similar set of behaviors from Griffin. He will visit his litterbox and urinate just a little and then leave, 10 minutes later he’ll be back. It doesn’t happen all the time, and sometimes he urinates more, at least from what I’ve been seeing in the litterbox. The vet said that his X-Rays are clean, pH is right, and there aren’t any blockages or crystals. The vet suggested that we try some bladder-health supplements that might help correct what amounts in the end to being both pee-shy and having a nervous bladder. Griffin’s behavior is completely normal, no pain, no struggling, and no accidents. We’re going to go the supplement route and see how we do. The last thing I want for him is another overnight at the hospital and the dead last thing I want is surgery. One thing that did occur to me is changing the litter type. We have a continuous odor control litter and this problem may be linked to that in some way, perhaps going to a low-dust type would be better. We’ll have to see.
Having a sick pet is worse by far than a sick kid. At least you can talk to a kid and get a clear list of symptoms. All you get with a pet is a head-nudge and staring. I keep on having this recurring fantasy of being able to scan Griffin with a Tricorder. Too much Star Trek dammit. 🙂