Anton woke up to the sound of a tractor-trailer rolling by the dumpster he was occupying. Getting up and out of the dumpster he realized that not only had he lost all of his memory of his past, but that he feels totally different than the way he imagines he should feel. Looking around him, he sees deforming mailboxes, rippling buldings, and people spattered with a layer of greasy smoky vapor surrounding them.


As he walks along the side-street he realizes that the edge of town is only a few brief yards away. Walking along the quickly degrading sidewalk he suddenly finds himself on the edge of town and the edge of an old-growth forest which lies just beyond. Approaching the forest brings on an avalanche of images and causes Anton to drop to his knees, eyes closed. Noise surrounds him, he hears yells and crues as well as scampering noises followed by riotous laughter. Various images and sounds accost him.


The laughter enflames him and he wobbles from the longing in his heart to be a part of the fabulous sound. He opens his eyes to see the sweet laughter coming from a hazy form which to Anton appears to be a small white rabbit. When the rabbit discover's Anton's attentiveness it starts to shimmer and all the while merrily laughing bounds right through Anton. He howls in pleasure and holds his arms tight against his chest. After reopening his eyes he sees various smooth light waves flying between him and the forest and between the trees themselves. He is suddenly filled with images of tricks, pranks, and mischief as well as a profound sadness. He catches his reflection in a nearby puddle and realizes how remarkably rabbitlike he has become. He gathers leaves and dives into them, laughing and playing and rollinh around on the ground until he exhausts himself. After waking from his reverie, he heads back into town looking for a good time and clues to his past...


During his stay in High Castle, he has discovered that Joram of the Blade, a mercenary Fox Pooka, is in fact his brother. Joram accompanied the party to Newford in hopes of igniting Anton's Memory.


For his honesty of character and dignity, Tamlin gave Anton a stranged crystal he called an "Ulunsuti." as his Gift. He claimed he had gained it after defeating an Uktena serpent in the High Hunting Grounds of the Nunnehi. Anton has already discovered some of this strange artifact's powers when he used it to attempt to find Jilly.