Not much is known about this enigmatic woman.  At some time she appears fae, while at others quite mortal.  She has associations with a forgotten House, written in the scroll Anne discovered as House Dmitri.  Cianan also appears to have recognized a House by that name during their stay. Lorio joined the party after their mistaken entrance into the Scarlet Letter, and helped aid Randy's escape from the Man in White.  She also introduced them to Sophie, Jilly, and later Anne by extension.


Her tendency for premonitions and seeing to the heart of things has saved the party on several occasions...but her tendency to be at the center of the trouble is a frightening consideration.  For her eyes, upon occasion, glow a feral Red, and while her mutterings in this trance often are nonsensical, none of the party forgets her first words as the crimson miasma played across her face: "From Life to Death, I serve the Blood..."


While in High Castle, she made instant allies with Dwyrch, the Kuberas that dwelled within the large Weeping Willow in the freehold's garden.  The intensity of that friendship surprised many, given the Kuberas' fickle nature.  She did, however, return with the party back to Newford.  Tamlin gifted her with the knowledge that there are others of her House still present in the world, though perhaps Lost or in Hiding.  Once again in Newford, her tag team leadership with Charlie has faded considerably with his disappearance.  While Henna attempts to make more of her acquaiantance, Lorio seems to be withdrawing. Still, she seems to be only mildly out of place in the Freeholds of Faerie, though she has grown rather quiet of late.