The Seekers

    The Seekers are fulfilling the quest the Moiræ Darvinec laid before Azag--to return to the Source of All Things with the Casque of Souls.  Within the Casque  lies the dormant human soul exchanged for that of Harroth the Mute.  Though Darvinec left little instruction as to its use,  Azag believes he was asked to return to the Source to stop Harroth's machinations, and would be all too happy to relinquish the battlefield if it mean success in his quest.  Unfortunately, the Source of All Things has changed a great deal in the last nine centuries, and he is lost as to where to find his prey.  In the midst of that confusion, Elek's forces first attacked, slaying Demetrios and several others of Azag's warriors.  Seeing the ever-widening playing field, Azag hopes at least some of his forces can make it through the gyre of blood Newford is about to become in order to see the end of the quest.  Time alone will tell.

    The Seekers are comprised of 92 Special soldiers (Fir Bholg) and 1 Extraordinary soldier, Azag.


Army Size: 93

Score: 18.9


Special Abilities:  Collaborative use of the Fir Bholg Birthright allows the Seekers to shift the Dreaming's nature by way of the Firchlis, though they cannot always control the outcome.  Winds can become poisonous serpents, rain can become acid or flame--or cotton candy.  The Firchlis is a fickle weapon at best, but it's one of the most potent forces in the Dreaming.